Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Day 1
Thankfully a family friend was able to come fix it, but first he had to drain the toilet, try to snake it, take the toilet apart and out, plunge it, yell at it, drown it and then FINALLY he was able to get the ball out. Please Lord, don't let that happen again.
Sop here it is, 5pm, and I am so drained myself that I really just want to hit pause and sleep. I wanna wake up to not feel this hole in me. I am hoping that I can keep myself busy this month so the pain of missing hubby isn't too hard :(
now... what the heck am I going to do for dinner???
Monday, October 31, 2011
Trick Or Treat
Matty was invited to a friends house for a party- which he had a great time and he dressed as..... Harry Potter (surprised?)
Lilly was able to dress up for school as well and we made her into a 1950's housewife.. she looked SO cute!!! I even let her wear my heels to school. She kept saying "thank you mom- thank you".
And my lil Christopher was a nerd LOL.. We just taped boxes of nerds to his clothes. He was a big hit at school of course!
There was no special amazing treats tonight.. well actually, my kids had stressed me out as dinner time was nearing so I ordered some pizza and plopped myself in front of the tv to watch past episodes of Pan Am. It was so so yummy yummy good!
As far as my "trick" ugh- it was no laughing matter.
I was walking past the boys room and noticed my 2 year old NAKED and PEEING into an empty apple juice container.. I quickly just walked away praying that he would put the cap back on the bottle. I honestly dont think what goes through a boys head when it comes to peeing inside things?!!!
But my prayers were not answered... I heard the bottle slide and tumble on the ground... I knew I had better go in there and check out the damage... ugh Pee ALL OVER THE FLOOR.
Not my idea of a great trick or treat day.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Another Day Older
Today marks one month old for our lil Jack. I really can not believe he is a month old already. This morning as I was holding him and snuggling... he actually felt bigger in my arms. It made me cry. Time goes so fast with sweet lil babies. It's just not fair. This morning I felt like I spent the whole time just being weepy.
With this last pregnancy, I made the decision to get my tubes tied. As much as I love kids, my body felt like I just couldn't do it anymore. I knew this was a right choice for my family. But I have to be honest, the thought makes me sad that I will no longer to EVER have any more babies. I know in a few months I am going to be a lot more happier about this decision- because after all - they DO turn into those terrible tazmania twos!
I am so in love with my lil baby that it just breaks my heart to see him grow. I just wish he could be that sweet small 2 week old for just a little longer.
As this day moved on, my water works stopped and we headed out to the store to get my missing groceries from the other day. I am in the mood to be creative and bake. I found a cute recipe for some mini caramel apples so I made a few up to see if I could do them. And it was a (messy) success :) Even my lil food critic loved them! Although I am no master ate using my little melon ball scooper. Some of the "apples" looked a little.... well... sad. I LOVE baking things but I never eat them- ok well except PW pumpkin cake- Oh MY Lordy- that is just so yummy! As cute as these lil mini caramel apples are- I just won't eat them. I need to find a victim to feed them too- I know I don't want my kiddos to eat them all up- I do like to sleep!
Here is the link where I got the recipe... try them for yourself!!
Don't let these cute adorable faves fool you.... :)
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Clean Up On Isle 4....
...ok so there we were- all 7 of us looking our walmart best. We get about half way down shopping, I am now holding a fussy baby and all of a sudden I hear from behind me, "Daddy, POOP". I turn around and there standing all by himself in the middle of the isle is my little 2 yr old son with a blank stare on his face. He once again screamed "POOP"... and there on the floor by his feet..... a pile of poo! For a long moment, we ALL stood there in pure shock- not moving- not talking... Are we seriously seeing what it is lying on the floor??!!! Charley and I look at each other like deer in headlights. The kids were speechless- waiting for us to respond in SOME way. Since my hands were full of holding my cute little man, Charley was the only one that could carry him and clean him up. After realizing what just happened, Charley and just looked at each other and started laughing.. I mean what else can you do when you notice that your toddler just pooped in the middle of Walmart?!
Lilly was nominated to grab a wipe and pick up the pile and throw it away (YUCK) and Charley scooped up his lil mini me super man style and I shuffled quickly to the diaper isle to get (another) bag of pull ups. All I kept thinking was.... holy crap (no pun intended) I am so glad I was not the one having to clean up whatever mess was left IN his pants. As the boys scurried off to the bathroom, you could hear lil Charlie Joe yelling, " Daddy. Poop. Butt!"
When they came back from the bathroom, he explained to me that the little stinker didn't have underwear on- hence the ease of stuff ...ahem... falling. After this experience I have decided I am not going to push the potty training anymore.. He was dong great but has fallen back to not trying anymore.
That night I was so thankful for the late night shopping and the fact that the store was not busy AND super thankful that no one else was in the same isle when we were there. What a shitty night ;)
I love all my kiddos more than anything but being needed 24-7 and feeling like the life is getting sucked out of me all day long, its going to be a long hard week without him. I know there are a lot of other moms/ wives out there that can handle it so much better than me.. and I admire them. I have been trying to keep myself busy but it ends up causing problems with my incision. And being out of pain meds and not having an extra hand just to sit in a bath or take a little nap, is so much harder than I imagined. But I find comfort in little bits of the day that God is by my side and will not give me more than I can handle.. but I think there is a part of me that wants to handle MORE than what I can. It would be awesome if I could have the old house all cleaned and finished moved down here before he gets home, but in reality that is so NOT going to happen. I have scrubbed and cleaned the new house, did laundry, dishes, made snacks, dinners and dusted... I even thought about hanging photos but once I look at it I fall back into the no motivation mode. At this moment, I just want to sleep and wake up with my hubby by my side.
For all those other moms and wives that are dealing with the same situation... I pray that all the guys can come home soon!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
The Stress Test
As we were parking in the parking lot, I gave each of my 4 lovely kiddos a mommy warning.. "please guys, lets be really good and quiet and as soon as we can we will go home". My oldest son goes, " if we behave, do we get a surprise?"
"Have you lost your dang head?!"-- is what I wanted to say.. but instead in my sweet mommy voice I explained that GOOD behavior is what you are SUPPOSED to do!
As we were walking in, I just kept praying that they would be good and not fight. 4 kids in a doc office is not the best place to be. At least I knew I didn't have to do some "exam" with all of them there.
The nurse had a hard time finding a heartbeat.. almost to the point where I wanted to grab that doppler from her hands and do it myself. I swear she had painted my whole belly with that cold nasty gel. Finally, after 7 tries, she finds it. Doc came in shortly after and I voiced my concern that yesterday and this morning my little potato wasn't acting like his usual self. Believe it or not, this kid has a daily movement schedule. So, he changed his plan on getting my to pre-op (ugh.. I really wanted to find out what time I was going to have this little one) and decided that putting me on the monitor would be a good thing. So, me and my basketball team of kids, headed to the other side of the office for some belly monitoring. At first it was kind of nice.. big comfy chair, pillow, table with magazines, graham crackers and ice water. So far the kids were doing ok... that is until the nurse leaves me alone.... with ALL of them... hooked up - not able to move.
I kept thinking.. good lord, please help the couple or momma in the room next to me that has to hear all this noise. Few minutes later... the screaming starts, the fighting starts and my stress and blood pressure starts to go up. Throw in a few contractions and there you have a moms stress test!
GOOD GRAVY! Where the freak was that nurse and why can't they have a tv in here or something?!
Finally, I get the go ahead to head home. They came back with the verdict that I was dehydrated and needed to drink more water. Ok.... let me explain something to you. Water is the ONLY thing I can actually stomach and I drink enough water that I can be a floaty. So my question is... if I am not able to keep myself "hydrated" what then???
Yes, I know I only have till next week, but its only Tuesday. How about we quit with the BS and just get this little one out :) I am totally ok with a healthy baby in my arms.
Friday, August 19, 2011
The Hangover | Part III
When dinner time came I wanted to crawl into a hole... I couldn't even think of food or burning energy to make dinner. Thankfully, the kids were happy with cereal and hubby was pleased with frozen pizza. I am so thankful that they are all so simple.
Well as I was drifting off to night-night land last night, hubby stepped out of the house and once again I was awaken by a child jumping on me- thinking it was playtime. Grrrrrrrr. I walked into the livingroom to find ALL the lights turned off- which you KNOW does not mean a good thing. When I flipped the switched I really couldn't believe what I saw. Couch cushions were off, toys everywhere, clothes everywhere, one kid hiding in the corner eating jello with a straw and the other kid had pudding not only on his face but ALL OVER THE HOUSE. I just walked my sleepy butt outside to tell daddy that basically his time was up. I put the kids to bed- or at least in their room till the BIG MAN came in.. and I went back to bed. No way was I going to deal with that after the day I had.
so this morning..... ugh. again, woke up with a 2 year jumping and poking me- yelling my name " MOOOOMMM" I walk out into the living room and what do I find??? Another mess. And not just any mess- it looked like a scene from "The Hangover"- all that was missing was a tiger in the bathroom. Soda cans, food, clothes, toys, crayons, more food, dirty diaper, and more soda cans... all over the place. And lets not forget the dishes that were piled up in the kitchen. I looked at the mess, said a few choice words out loud and began to cry. There was no way I was going to be able to clean this all up on my own. I can't even finish a load of laundry without needing a nap!
So I let the kids know that I was upset and made the little creatures clean up the livingroom. They actually did a pretty good job. Now if only I could wiggle my nose and the kitchen be clean- I would be ok with the rest of the house not looking like normal.
Today it is so hard for me to keep my eyes open and keep the kids entertained long enough so they dont cause trouble. I can't let them loose outside because without an adult to look after them, they just know things they shouldn't be doing. And it's just too hot for me to sit outside.
It would be really nice for this day to just be over. I really cant take much more of the BS around here. I found out yesterday that we have a new houseguest that is staying here.. well not HERE but in my SIL house. What is maddening about that is NO ONE decided to let us in on that.. I really do not think its too hard to say " hey, do you mind...." or " hey I just wanted to let you know...". Oh no.. of course not.. I get to just find out like it's no big thing. One thing I have learned about myself as I grow older is that I dislike how people can be disrespectful. Especially on your own property.
We have exactly 3 weeks left till our due date- still SO much to do- and no one to do it except for me. Which is fine- it is my stuff- my responsibility. With that, we STILL need to finish and repair the other house- which that too is on a waiting list. I would just feel so much better if things were done BEFORE D day comes. Otherwise all I get to do is stress and think about the things that NEED to be done. Now, would be a great time for a clone.. a 2nd wife... a friend... someone that has time to help me. I am not doubting hubby at all, but just looking around here and thinking of everything that has to be moved... and its NOT packed..... its so much for me to take in that I start getting anxiety. Maybe it will be different once my kiddos get home and I have my full family back.
As of right now, all I want is something yummy to eat, kids that will just have a relaxing day, and just enjoy the simple life of today of doing nothing.. except for maybe some knitting.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Sex Education
backstory.... a few months ago, Charley was teaching the kids how to count in German and one of the numbers (6) sounds like the word "sex", we ALL of the kids busted up laughing and just couldn't get enough of hearing that!!
So on the way HOME tonight, Christopher asked daddy to count for him again in German...
"eins, zwei, drei, vier, fünf, sieben, acht, neun, zehn"
if you counted that, you would see that he skipped the ONE funny one (sechs)
Christopher says, " no say all of it"... we just giggled as he KNEW he had skipped one... so daddy asked, "all of them? what did I skip?"
" you know... (giggle- giggle) that one...."
"which one, Chris?"
(giggle giggle) "you know... that "sex" one" (giggle giggle)
this point I was just laughing... My kid is smart.. I couldn't believe he KNEW which one Charley skipped.
So Charley asked him .." what is sex Chris?"
I'm thinking.. oh good lord... ANYTHING can come out of his mouth. I was preparing my tummy and bladder for a good laugh.
" GROSS!!!"
"But what is sex?- What does it mean"?
"It's Gross- I don't want to talk about it"
"well, you and mom do it...... Wyatt's dad and mom do it.... Patrick and his wife Jessica do it" this point, not only am I in shock that he knew what he was talking about but then he listed PEOPLE- couples- MARRIED couples. Charley just smiled and said he was a smart kid.
Well, I guess Chris thought saying the word "sex" was funny at this point, so he kept saying it but daddy shut him down and told him that he didn't need to say it anymore and when he was about 10 they would talk about it again... but Christopher had to come back and say, "how about when I am 9".. Charley thought about it for a moment and said, "at this rate, it may need to be sooner..maybe 7"- then he gave me that look like I need to be prepared that this kid is smarter than the average kid we have. GULP
As Christopher would say "O M G"
Friday, July 22, 2011
This is what I want :)
so I have been doing a lot of thinking... more than normal - one could say :)
If you are EVER in a pickle on what you can get me... start a collection for me to attend a photography newborn workshop :)
Yuppers... I have been wanting to attend one of these for a super long time and with all the bills and *ahem* drama we have to constantly deal with... there is not left over fund for play.. But I sure could use a "sponsor" per say to send me on my way to better my education and talent of photography :)
I think its a LOVELY idea :*
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
My Darling Daughter
Melts My Heart- Not My Hands
this is wonderful... well for obvious reasons- if you are a mom , but because also this little guy has a major speech delay for his age. We have been in speech therapy with him for almost a year and as much as he HAS improved, things still are a little unclear. So when words become crisp and amazing like "wuv you" I just wanna jump up and down with excitement.
I remember the days when I longed for children and couldn't wait till they could whisper " I love you mommy". It completely melts my heart- and still does to this day. I will NEVER get old of hearing that!!
But today- I just really needed to hear those words.. from that little boy of mine.
Thank you Charlie joe... those words mean the WORLD to me :)
Monday, July 18, 2011
because I Care...
So... kids hit their meltdown hour- which is SO conveniently at the dinner hour... and this momma just couldn't take it, so I went to go get the big dawg a.k.a- Daddy!!!
Well each child of mine had a nice little talking to and whadda ya know... hmm they sure did seem to understand that momma wasn't just talking to hear herself talk! In the middle of the "lectures" I mentioned that Lilly was having a hard time keeping focused on her math work and how she just gives up and finds a way to avoid it.
***Her math book is her summer school to help her keep on track for 6th grade- very important**
Well as daddy went thru her stuff he started noticing some pretty obvious mistakes... When asked where her work was, she said she did it on another sheet of paper... ok ... fine... so further into the book, he realized that the answers she was writing was just RANDOM freaking numbers... and then CONFESSED that was exactly what she was doing.... WHY would she do that?? because she didn't want to do it. OH good Lord...
So we erased 35 pages of blatantly wrong answers and gave her the news that if this was the way she was going to act and be- she was NOT going to Florida. She was given 2 days to finish her work- CORRECTLY or she was going to stay home and work all thru summer- LIKE SHE WAS SUPPOSE TO DO!
Now.... I am sure some of you are going to rant and rave about how WRONG we are as parents to do such a thing to her... well get this. .... As any child of mine, they will be respectful and responsible. This math is not a new thing for her- it is her basic math she has been doing- nothing new. I do not see the need for me to sit by her side or look over her shoulder to make sure she is doing it correctly. If you fail to do your responsibilities, well then my friend, you fail to have your cake!!
Now yes, poor Lil was in tears- for good reasons. We do NOT put up with lying or cheating at all in this house. That will get you no where but trouble. As much as I want to see her go on vacation and have a great time and get all spoiled like they do..... her schooling is MUCH more important and I will not stand for it to be any other way. She is a child that has a more difficult time learning and staying on task, and we as parents have not worked our butts off to get her where she is so she can lie and cheat just to go to Florida.
i had to explain to her that she means the world to me and as much as I do want to see her have some fun in the sun, SHE is much more important than that. In fact, I told her that if her "dad" felt the same way, that he too would want to see her succeed and spend his 1 week off up HERE while she is still able to continue with her summer school AND have some fun!!
In my eyes- the only eyes it matters- this situation is called R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y
Now... you can think what you want and say what you want back to us as parents.. Yes, I am sure we are being "harsh" or maybe not being fully understanding to an 11 year old girl, but the fact remains is we have rules in this house... and we fully expect each one to follow them.
We love our children so very much- which is probably why we are hard on them, but we give them so much love and support. We don't have high expectations for our children... we still want them to be kids, but we do want them to succeed in life... no matter if they want to be just a wife, a doctor, a baseball player or a pizza maker..... we LOVE them deeply.
We did call Lilly's "dad" and I am SURE he had a few things to say when we got off the phone.. I know I would if I was in his shoes, but I PRAY that he sees the importance of this matter and him himself makes the right decision.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
2 friends of mine- who I deeply look up to- seriously ( I don't ever tell them that, but I do) graciously took my whole baseball team of kids, for a full day/ overnight so I could get a mommy break. This break was MUCH needed. I was seriously running on empty- and giving warnings as it got lowered each day.
So as the BIG day approached I couldn't help but think of the things I wanted to do.. Eat, sleep, watch tv that I wanted to watch- no more Wow-Wow Wubzy or anything else animated for that matter, eat some more, ignore the house, not shower, and just sit there like a bump on a log... and get a massage!
AS we were getting ready to leave, Charley looked at me concerned saying he didn't he was going to like this whole massage idea.... or if he was comfortable with it. I think at that moment I scrunched up my face like he was some kind of freak and asked " why not?!"
He told me to goggle Bill Engvall "massage"- and this is what came up.
Ok after I stopped laughing.. I started to think.... yeah, if I was a guy I probably would be thinking the same thing... This goes back to one of my moments where I am GLAD to be a girl! No worries!
Well I did decide that I was going to schedule not only ME a massage but also one for hubby- he has never had one.. and I don't honestly think he understand that IMPORTANCE of getting one!
So the kids were dropped off, I came home and ate till I was sleepy and waited for our BIG departure.. Ohh just thinking about it made me giddy.
After a detour of looking for a new car we finally made it to "OZ" (the massage). I went back first but we got to be room by room. I can not explain how my prego body just melted into hormonal ooze but it was so nice.. An hour just doesn't seem long enough... they should allow nap time right after massages too.. I mean you are all relaxed and feeling so good... only to get up, get dressed and WALK- ugh!
When I finally made it back upstairs to meet hubby to pay our bill, he totally cut me off with how much to leave for a tip.. I know there was going to be 2 VERY happy girls after their shift was over. I wish I could fully describe how much hubby loved his first time massage, but.... well.. let's put it this way... as we walked to our car he made a comment saying I should be lucky he never got a massage before we got married! I have never heard him talk about anything over and over again- unless it has some kind of man engine- but I am sure glad we were able to do this together. And I am even MORE happy that I was able to give him that experience- even if he does have a crush on some massage chick.....
I am just hoping now, that we can do this more than once every few years. I am voting for at least once a month :)
....oh and in case you were wondering what I did for the rest of my "day off"... Jack Poo!! I love mommy days off... now if ONLY they came more often!!!
**Thank you to Erin and Kim- my heroes :)
Thursday, July 7, 2011
But this pregnancy is making it more difficult to deal with it. Between not being able to sleep from the cold and that painful pelvic grinding and pressure, having a stuffy nose, itchy eyes from allergies and having to pee every hour.... I am a complete MESS!!
Lilly & Matty are leaving soon for Florida and as much as they LOVE the idea of going... I am not so happy about it. Time always seem so short with them- especially when there is so much I wanna do with them... and there are times like these that I just can't do anything. We have crossed off a few things on our Summer Bucket list- which has been fun.. .I just need to get my energy back to do some more. I am hoping by next week I will be feeling better to go out and have some good 'ol summer fun!
As much as I am miserable.. I do hope that you all are enjoying this summer that we have finally got!
Friday, July 1, 2011
VOUGE | All In A Boy's Day
If I remember correctly, his cousin, Annie, made this outfit for him. Although he accessorized it himself with the snow boots. When I look at these pictures I cant help but to break out in 80's music!

So did you hear the 80's boom box music playing?? Maybe we should all just start singing FAME
Sunday, June 26, 2011
To The Moon ALice!
Last night I had to take myself to bed early- drugged up on some benadryl in hopes to give myself SOME relief with allergies... I woke up this morning with crusty eyes and runny nose ( i sound pretty huh). Unfortunately my allergy hell did not get better and now I am worried if someone can overdose on eye drops.
Well because of the annoyance of itchy eyes, scratchy throat and runny nose, I wasn't a very peachy momma/ wife today. My SIL offered to take a kiddo to the store with her- which was such a great treat for me... so I decided to take that moment and get a shower without any interruptions. It's not often I am able to walk into my bathroom without company- so this was like my treat!
I undress and turn on the water and to my butt-naked surprise.. our water is off.....AGAIN. It hasn't even been a full month when we went thru this again. There is a very long story that goes with this, but I will hold all the details, but basically we pay water to a private "water company" a.k.a Nasty little man and he is upset with us... for no reason- yes, honestly, for no reason and has decided to play this power pull by turning off our water ONCE again.
I feel so HORRIBLE for my husband who has to deal with this creature. We have had water with him for 6 years and have always paid on time- every month....
I just don't get how a person would think it was a great idea to turn off water to a house that has 4 kids and a pregnant (hormonal) woman. But he just does not care... in fact he told poor hubby that he would talk to his lawyer before he would turn our water back on.
Sounds like a lovely night huh :)
But... I am trying to make the best of it... trying to not let the messy house, dirty dishes or my total hormonal state effect my night.... I'm trying.. with my teeth grinding... I'm trying.
So for baths tonight, I did what any other redneck would do :) I put all the kids and myself in the hot tub!!
Now if ONLY bedtime sleepiness would smack the kids, I would sit on my hippo bum and enjoy some ice cream.....all to myself!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Let's Have FUN!!
The day started with us hanging out with our Uncle Ted as we did some shopping in town. The boys got to be spoiled as they found some treasures at Good Will. They scored on some baseball gear. Our afternoon ended with a little ice cream treat down at Dubs. Since Uncle Ted isn't from here, he was a little more than shocked when our total only came out to $1.70 for 4 baby cones. I just think of it as mommy's happy meal!!
By the time we got home, I tried my hardest to enforce nap time... of course THAT didn't happen but I managed my way thru it. It wasnt until we headed back into town that my little monkey man finally fell asleep... in the car, no less.. you know, that one place where mommy can't sleep!
We headed into town that evening for a family picnic dinner brought to us by Burger Express. I was CRAVING some onion rings and let me tell you.. they were GUUUUUUUUUU-oooood! I don't even think I came up for air on those. I remember sticking my hand in, shoving my face with them and then the next thing... they were GONE! I better stop talking about them or else I will have to go all the way back into town for more.....but hmmmmm... suddenly doesn't sound like a bad idea ***thinking..... thinking****
Oh yes... family time... it was great... After they all ate and built up their energy again, they all played tag and wrestle mania with each other and daddy. I was hoping that it would have drained all their energy just in time for bed time... but I had no such luck! After I picked grass out of knees and collected all the running kiddos, we headed home.
The boys right away jumped out of the car and headed to the back yard to play some "baseball". It brought such a huge smile to my face to see them playing.... of course little Charlie Joe was just wandering around the backyard with the baseball helmet on. Hubby and I just sat there smiling at them all. Hubby made a comment that he looked like a character from spaceballs. LOL So true.. he was so cute.. of course after that comment I couldn't get the theme song from Star Wars out of my head. Check out how cute he is!!

we finished off the night by relaxing and watching the sun go down in the hot tub.. ahhhhh. I am so glad we have one of those.
.... A few other things that happened that made me giggle.....
As we were heading to grab our dinner, I happened to look over at my daughter- who was by the way wearing a tank top... well I noticed something dark by her arm pit... when I looked closer I realized what I was looking at.
"DANG GIRL!!! You need to keep shaving that! Once you do it, you gotta keep at it"
the look on her face was priceless!!!! I didn't mean to embarrass her but GOOD GRAVY!! It looked like she was smuggling chewbacca under there!! She BEGGED me not to tell her dad- she thought he would just make fun of her... poor girl... of course HE wouldn't.... but this was just too funny NOT to blog! I remembered the day my mom "embarrassed" me at that age... but she did hers in PUBLIC. We were having dinner with family members at a seafood restaurant down south called Shells... I was laying on her lap while we were waiting for dinner and she looked down and checked out my armpits... she then in her-not-so-quiet voice, exclaimed that not only did I need to shave but also NEEDED to start wearing deodorant. Then... as to make matters worse, she decided to share how bad my BO was for a 10 year old.
Luckily for MY daughter, I did no such thing :) But the poor girl was mortified that I noticed her ...ummm... growth. Later that night when we got home, the first thing she did was shower. LOL
Of course she closed the night with another funny. I was sitting on the porch- relaxing... when she came stomping up the stairs and threw herself down in a chair next to me. When I asked her what was wrong... this is what she said.
" I am SO annoyed"
"with what?"
"with my voice.. its so annoying. I cant stand the way I hear"
{this is the moment I start giggling}
" I mean it mom... its so annoying. I don't like it, I wanna change it"
{now at this point I am just ROLLING.}
" It's not funny mom. seriously. I like my other voice"
" Your other voice?? you mean your high pitch whining voice?"
.. this is the moment where she just glared at me and if she could have thrown daggers at me, she could have.
..... I am still laughing at this point. As soon as I catch my breath I tell her that I love her and she is perfect in every way...
but she sure did give my belly a good workout!!! What a great day!
as far as today went...... I am gonna go ahead and plead the fifth on that one!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
WARNING! She's gonna blow!
I feel at this moment like one of those thermometers that gives you that blaring warning sign that says IT'S GONNA BLOW!! no, in fact, that doesn't even fully describe my emotions right now.
In theory or in someone elses practical- good mommy- ways, I am just so over reacting over the things that really have upset me today. Heck, you may even look at me right now and say "someone should have screened her before she had ANY kids..."
well, I hate to break it to you... I am human with LOTS of faults and a very sensitive emotional gauge.
I will try to spare you the details of my rather "groundhog" day, but it didn't start very well and it certainly did not END very well. In fact, I am still waiting for it to end.
Each one of my kids knows EXACTLY what to do to get me just rip-roaring MAD. I mean like "OFF WITH HIS HEAD" mad!!
For example... my sweet and -oh-so-hormonal-daughter offered to put my laundry away for either the reward of spending the night with her cousin or watching a movie with me. Heck ya!!! Good girl! well I walk in my room when she announces that it is all gone.
Ok -wait... let me PRE-warn you all. I am VERY picky (or anal) on how my things are set up. I have them the way they are for my own personal reasons.. Don't try to change it or you will see my head start twitching and my mouth will start foaming... ok- just a warning.
well i walk into my closet where she has shoved the baby bassinet in there, half of the clothes are on my bed and half my closet was taken apart and MOVED in odd places.
OK, so I calmly just took a breath thinking that she was just "trying to help" but then out of the corner of my eye I noticed SHOVED behind a stack of jeans was a basket full of cloths that she balled up and stuck behind other stuff.. WHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAATTTTTTT??
ok that breathing technique flew right out my window and I do believe I mumbled some stuff to myself.
Her excuse..... " I didn't know where it went"
Ohh how I needed the chocolate fairy to come down and stuff some chocolate in my throat at that moment. I couldn't even think of what to say that made any sense. I think random words and letters just came out of my mouth.
Ok so I made her fix all that stuff and explained that if she didn't get something to let me know otherwise she is making MORE work for me to... and we all know how well that goes over for me.
Then our sweet little monstrous 2 year old decides to get his hands on whatever he can manage to get them on. So here I am trying to wobble my way across the room to catch him and clean up the destruction, but before I can grab my pudgy hands on him, he is onto the next section where he will devour the house... By this time, I admit I was yelling and screaming at anyone that was in ear shot of me.
I think my last nerve I had left, went to dear ol' Christopher, who decided to jump from couch to chair hitting people on the head.... like he was the fairy godmother from Lil' Bunny Foo-foo.
At that point my motherly horns came out, my head started twitching and yup, my mouth started foaming.
....... so now I am sitting here, sharing my faults and weakness to you and feeling like the biggest loser mom of them all. I so admire the moms that can deal with all my issues and keep a calm and collect voice and temper.
I am not the best at being a mom..... I don't spend my hours sitting on the floor playing games or reading books nor do I make it my mission to keep them occupied. I yell at them and at times I scream at them. But I do know that I love them with so much love but also show them that I love them and that they are important to me. I never put them down or belittle them. I do have expectations of them and I demand respect.
It kills my heart that these moments of weakness come... what seems every day, because I do love them so very much. It hurts my heart when I read blogs or posts about how wonderful a mom is having with her child(ren)......makes me wonder, what the heck am I doing wrong?!
I just want to do good... and let them know that I am only human and I am not perfect- nor do I except them to be perfect.... Honestly... I just want them to listen... the first time I speak.
Maybe tomorrow I will invest in a whistle and a blow horn. oh yes, and a box of milky ways to get through the day.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
A Baby Update
let me tell ya... one sure way to get yourself STRESSED out is to bring 4 kids with you to an ultrasound- BY YOURSELF. Holy crap! My nerves are so shot right now!
Ok anywho... baby is looking good.. my cervix is still long so the contractions that I get to endure each day, are not doing anything- which is great news for this baby but really a pain in my butt for me! The baby is already a little over 2 pounds- great length- and the water level is just fine for him.
Yup- you read right.. HIM. Another boy. I have to laugh and think to myself that God knows what he is doing. I NEVER in my life did I picture myself with 4 boys. That is even hard to say!!
So now I can try to relax and not worry if this little one with come early and try to enjoy the rest of the pregnancy as much as I can. I guess its time for us to start plowing though all those boy name. I personally think coming up with boy names is so hard. They just don't sound cute. How the heck am I going to squeeze *gulp* 4 boys into one room??
hehehehe... wow.
Thank you for all your prayers and thoughts. I really appreciate it all!!
Birthday Boy!
I remember when we he born and I would sit around just gazing at him- smiling... in fact my SIL and I would make comments on how this little boy was going to be so calm and be the "easy" one of them all.... well fast forward a few months later and we were eating our words... and today I do believe I choke on them. He is SO not that calm little boy. This little one keeps up with the other ones with NO FEAR. I have seem him climb to the highest point on my couches, jump from everything he could possibly jump from and climb the highest bunk bed. I think he is determined to give me either gray hair or a heart attack before I reach 35!
For his birthday this year we decided that we as a family needed a break from our daily lives... so we loaded up the camper and headed out for a family camping trip. It really was enjoyable. We didnt plan anything special for him.... Please dont send me any rude comments on NOT doing a big who-ha over a birthday- we just played as a family while we were camping and when we got home, it was just the kids having a cupcake. Yes, I did buy the little one a birthday gift... an indoor slide, which at times is NOT a great idea. Between these 4 kids, they have thought of everything they could do on this slide.... it's a darn good thing its a little PLASTIC slide.
Here are a few images from our camping weekend and this FUNNY (kind of long) video of us singing happy birthday to the little man!
Here are some of the highlights that happened that weekend:
*Played a family game of volleyball. Yes, even this whale of a momma got out and played. The kids thought it was very funny seeing me play. Little turkey's!!
* Christopher took off his training wheels on day one and MASTERED it within seconds. Very impressive
* Relaxed some more
The birthday video.
ugh. birthday video wont load.. will have to try again another time
Monday, June 13, 2011
Our Summer Bucket List
Here is the list of ideas we have :) When we are ready for an activity or "date", I will have a sweet child of mine pick out a color coded card and we will go off for that adventure... or I will send them on their marry way to do it outside!
Make a special lunch and surprise daddy at work with it
City Beach
Park Play Day
Family Movie Night
Family Game Night
Make homemade ice cream
Bike ride
Xbox game afternoon
Water piñatas
Make Rice krispy treats
Wash cars
Invite a friend over for an afternoon movie
Tie dye shirts
Paint pet rocks
Play with bubbles
Sandpoint fountain
Library story time
Ice cream sundae lunch
Make Rock candy
Have a monster dinner
Ice Cream Outing
CDA Park
KROC Center
Riverfront Park
Visit a candy store
Visit Krispy Kreme
Cat tails zoo
Kids museum Spokane
CHERRY FESTIVAL is JULY 16-17 green bluff farms Spokane
Strawberry Festival June 25-26
Triple play
Boat ride
Worship concert at KROC center 7pm June 25