Saturday, October 1, 2011

Clean Up On Isle 4....

The other day, we as a family headed out to do some last minute grocery shopping for hubby's trip. Of course as soon as we walk in the doors, all 3 boys cried "potty".. So there I sat waiting for for them all to come out of the bathroom... and it suddenly hit me that I have FOUR boys. Holy penises!!! I mean, boys are super lovable (except my 2 yr old at the moment... he is still the little Tasmania devil), full of adventure and always look out and care about my feelings.... again - all except my little 2 yr old.

...ok so there we were- all 7 of us looking our walmart best. We get about half way down shopping, I am now holding a fussy baby and all of a sudden I hear from behind me, "Daddy, POOP". I turn around and there standing all by himself in the middle of the isle is my little 2 yr old son with a blank stare on his face. He once again screamed "POOP"... and there on the floor by his feet..... a pile of poo! For a long moment, we ALL stood there in pure shock- not moving- not talking... Are we seriously seeing what it is lying on the floor??!!! Charley and I look at each other like deer in headlights. The kids were speechless- waiting for us to respond in SOME way. Since my hands were full of holding my cute little man, Charley was the only one that could carry him and clean him up. After realizing what just happened, Charley and just looked at each other and started laughing.. I mean what else can you do when you notice that your toddler just pooped in the middle of Walmart?!
Lilly was nominated to grab a wipe and pick up the pile and throw it away (YUCK) and Charley scooped up his lil mini me super man style and I shuffled quickly to the diaper isle to get (another) bag of pull ups. All I kept thinking was.... holy crap (no pun intended) I am so glad I was not the one having to clean up whatever mess was left IN his pants. As the boys scurried off to the bathroom, you could hear lil Charlie Joe yelling, " Daddy. Poop. Butt!"

When they came back from the bathroom, he explained to me that the little stinker didn't have underwear on- hence the ease of stuff ...ahem... falling. After this experience I have decided I am not going to push the potty training anymore.. He was dong great but has fallen back to not trying anymore.

That night I was so thankful for the late night shopping and the fact that the store was not busy AND super thankful that no one else was in the same isle when we were there. What a shitty night ;)

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