Thursday, June 21, 2012

Au Revoir My Best Friends

I wanna talk about something that's close to my heart... Well actually more like close to my belly button.....
My boobs.
I had to say Au revoir to my milk boobs. Now they are more like national geographic African boobs.  Functional but PERKY they are not. They are no longer... up there.

Have you asked yourself yet where this is coming from??
Last night as I noticed my tummy was bloated like I was 7 months pregnant, I noticed my cleavage was no longer there. How unfair- as my body is getting bigger and wider, my boobs are getting smaller and longer. Who came up with THAT combo?!

Oh how I enjoyed my voluptuous bosoms. You made wearing clothes so much more fun.I know you still serve your purpose for my little boob- life-sucker baby and I am sure you will still serve the purpose for the other man in my life.... but why do you have to leave me hangin' like that?!

{insert pathetic sobbing here}

"Hey baby!! Grab the duct tape!"

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Therapy IS Cleaning

Last night I just couldn't take the allergies anymore so I doped myself up with the good 'ol Benadryl. Please Lord let this work. I was so tired of having itchy eyes, throat, face, runny nose. My eye was so itchy that when I itched it, it was like an "eye-gasm". Hurt so bad but felt so good. After that though they were all red and swollen. So picture if you please, a snotty nose, my voice all scratchy sounding from my trying to attempt to scratch it- I sound like a cat hacking crap up ....
my gimp eye watering.... I feel like Quasimodo.. Good Lord please stop with the allergies!
So down the hatch went TWO pills.

Not too long after that I start to feel medicine heady... Yes!!! Now all I need is a good night sleep without me needing to claw my face apart. Just as soon as I layed my head down to pass out, the baby woke up and ONLY wanted to continue to suck on my like a big pacifier I am. Uggghhhh. Momma just wanted some sleep. {One of these days I am gonna have to get my bed back to just hubby & I}

I had hoped to wake this morning to me dancing on air and my eyes back to normal. I mean that doesn't sound like a hard request, right?


Crusty nasty eye and hyper kids. Hmmm lovely. Not to mention that I had lost my {happy}pills so this looks like it will be an interesting day. Last night the boys decided to have a slumber party in our room and when I woke, everything but them were still there. I walked into the kitchen and every dish we owned was out and dirty.. ceral all over the counters along with puddles of milk. A daughter pouncing around the house acting like the mob boss, my 3yr old jumping on the couch screaming "CARTOONS", my 5 year old dancing around the house in his cowboy hat singing "save a horse ride a cowboy" and my 10 quietly hiding in his room trying to avoid the morning wrath of mommy.

the only thing that could help at this moment was coffee and some therapy cleaning. So I kicked the kids out of the house and got my clean on! As sick as it sounds, it actually was very theraputic to get dirty and clean my dirt! But I saved the bathrooms and washing the kitchen floor for a punishment chore. I know one of those kids are just itchin' to scrub some floors :)

As the clock it ticking towards lunch time I thought to myself, "self, lets make lunch and put the kids to bed. You deserve a nap" but as my toddler ran by, I smelt a stench of nasty ass that I am honestly afraid to go near. Hmmm how much money would I have to pay an older kid to clean THAT up??!!!

no... I didn't make them do it, but the thought was enticing lol. I'll go wipe some toddler butt and then after I wash my hands go fill my Quisimodo face with some chocolate.... maybe I'll even make the kids chores today to be rubbing my hard working feet :)


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Pina Colada Cupcakes

If you like Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain.....

Yes! Sign me up! I love playing in the rain... and I love sippin' on that blended coconut drink! For this past week cupcake [personal] challenge, I made Pina Colada Cupcakes... MMMMmmmmmmmm mmmmmm
they were GOOD!!

I wish I took more photos of them than I did but that just gives me an excuse to make more :)

Thursday I was the special vendor over at Moe Moe's garden so I set up my table and brought my cupcakes for everyone to taste. There is nothing like making cupcakes and giving them away. Puts a smile on everyone's face :)


Also during the Alive@5 event, the local dance company Burn The Floor was there performing. It was a great night listening to live music, watching local dancers, eating cupcakes, smelling the AWESOME BBQ and seeing local friends and new faces!


It was a wonderful evening and I was happy to be a part of it... For those that want this to-die-for-recipe.. here it is!!

Pineapple Cupcakes
(recipe by Glory Albin)
2 1/2 cups flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 eggs
1 3/4 cups sugar
1 cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3/4 cup sour cream
1 1/2 cups canned crushed pineapple (drained slightly)

1.  Mix flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a medium bowl and set aside.
2.  In a large bowl, using an electric mixer on medium speed, beat the eggs and sugar until slightly thickened and a light cream color (about 2 minutes).
3.  On low speed, mix in the oil and vanilla until blended.
4.  Add in the pineapple and sour cream and mix until fully incorporated.
5.  Add the flour mixture and blend until just combined and smooth.
6.  Line a cupcake pan with 12 paper liners and fill about 2/3 full.
7.  Bake cupcakes in a pre-heated 350*F oven for about 22 minutes.
8.  Remove from pan and cool on wire rack.
9.  Frost with Coconut Cream Cheese Frosting (recipe below)
Recipe yields 24-28 cupcakes.

Coconut Cream Cheese Frosting
(This stuff is SO good!!!! You can seriously eat it by the spoonful!)
(this is just a slight variation on my Cream Cheese Frosting recipe, but I’ll add it to this page as well, so it’s easy to find)
½ cup (1 stick/8 Tablespoons) butter, at room temperature
8 oz. cream cheese, at room temperature
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (always use pure vanilla extract if possible)
1 1/2 teaspoons coconut extract (you may want to start with just 1 teaspoon of coconut extract, you can always add more, but you can’t take it out!)
4 cups powdered confectioners sugar
1 Tablespoon heavy cream, heavy whipping cream or milk
1 Tablespoon Dark Rum

*Place butter in a large mixing bowl and blend until smooth. Add cream cheese and blend until well combined, about 30 seconds.
*Add vanilla extract, coconut extract and powdered sugar (1 cup at a time) and blend on low speed until combined. Increase to medium speed and beat until it begins to get fluffy.
*Slowly add the heavy cream or rum.
*Beat until fluffy, about 1 minute.
*Use at once or keep refrigerated. (This frosting will keep well in the refrigerator for several days, but you may need to re-beat it for the best texture.)
For added flavor and texture, top frosted cupcakes with toasted coconut.
(To toast coconut- lay about 1 1/2 cups sweetened flaked coconut on a baking sheet and bake at 375*F about 4-5 minutes).
Decorate cupcakes with fresh pineapple, maraschino cherries or paper umbrellas. 

Holy Zipper!!

This weekend a carnival was in town. Ever since Charley and I have gotten married I have always wanted to just have a date there with him. I have to admit that for each day that it was here I would ask.... he would answer with a no because it is spendy... and it is!!! Well yesterday as we were driving by there he made a comment about how he used to ride the zipper as a kid over and over again and how it was the best ride ever. I explained to him that I actually had never rode on that ride. After he shrieked "WHAT?!" he agreed that we could go and ride that together. 


OK.... Deal! So thankfully we got the kids hooked up with a family member to watch them for a little bit as we headed to the carnival.... to ride the zipper....

Now... let me explain a little about myself... I LOVE rides... I like roller coasters just as much as the next person, but.... did you hear that... BUT my tummy can not even handle playing on the swings. The drop makes all my limbs weak and shaky. But here was my chance to go play with hubby at a carnival :) I was taking my chance!

I can do this.. I mean I had 5 kids- this should be nothing. As we loaded up in the little wired cage and moved up a little... I began to freak out. I kept thinking of how terrible it would be if the door swung open. I do not want to die this way!! So I screamed at hubby to lead us in prayer. Holy Geez Amen!!

The wait for having the rest of the people load the ride was the most intense anticipated waiting period. I did NOT like it. Charley thought he would be cute and start trying to swing the cart back and forth. I think I popped a blood vessel yelling at him to stop moving!

Finally we start going and it wasn't too bad till that thing flipped over and over.. I started screaming and basically didn't stop... well I let out a few " Please Stop!!" and some " I wanna get off now" but for the most part it was screaming.

Then it stopped....

to only go BACKWARDS! WTF?!!!

This ride was WAY too long... I was hanging on so tight that my body was starting to give up. Everything I had was trying to latch on to something inside that creepy cage. My toes were curled as far as they could go, my butt checks were trying to grasp at the seat, my arms were trying to pull the cage door towards me instead of away (in fear that it would fly open) and my little nubby fingers were hanging on to the rails as tight as I possibly could. Charley was still laughing at me from all the screaming... and in face told me to stop screaming a few times.. but I couldn't help it. He then proceeded to tell me if I closed my eyes, it would be better. Are you freaking kidding me?! No its not!! I want to see the ground coming towards me if I am going to die!!!

Thank God.. it was seriously finally over :(

I was so shaky and so dizzy that my next move was the bench across from me. I just needed to rest for just a moment. My silly hubby asked me if I wanted to go again... If I had had the strength, I probably could poked his eye out for saying such bullshit! But.... it was a lot of fun- just to be a little childish together. We had enough tickets for another ride and I chose that ride that looks like a boat that swings back and forth. I used to LOVE this ride back in high school- you know- back in the day where I can actually swing without feeling my tummy go to my toes! After that ride was finished I had to admit that I was done.  My tummy could not take anything. I couldn't even think about the yummy funnel cake I so desired before I got there. 

We took our remaining tickets and gave them to a family to enjoy. As for us... we were heading to Wendy's for a drink... and a salad for me!!

Will I ever go on this again???!! Will I voluntarily go get a root canal?!! HELL NO!!! But I would not trade that moment for anything. Thank you baby for getting a little crazy today with me!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Parenting Is Like Herding Cats

Where to begin... This week has been.... H E C T I C to say the least.  I have been struggling lately with feeling very off from everything. Usually I feel organized and good enough to tackle things, but lately.. good gravy, I suck! I seem to have lost all my motivation in things :( well all but cupcaking. ( I'll be sharing that recent recipe later)

I want to do so many things but its like this cloud comes over me and I end up doing NOTHING.

So all you other moms... how do you keep your motivation going?? I miss eating healthy food, I miss working out, I miss doing fun things with my kids and I miss spending quality time with hubby.. and somewhere in there I actually do miss cleaning my house and giving myself a few minutes here and there.

Earlier thus week I met an amazing mom of 5 kids and it was so nice to sit and chat with her and be able to be real. I was looking forward (still am) to getting to know her more. I can see that she is wonderful- someone that I will be able to really trust and connect to (Lord Willing at least). I had 2 opportunities to meet up with her again this week and my body just wasn't having it. I overslept - which like NEVER happens- and I wasn't able to go to her bible study... then AGAIN I over slept to only wake up to a crabby baby who is dealing with some stubborn teeth. Missing these 2 events really made me feel empty.

Ever feel deflated that way?? Like someone seriously sucked out all your motivated and life out of you?? Ugh.. so how to get it back???!!

Today seemed to be the end of that "mommy rope". I managed to get a good hour of office work in but then everything seemed to melt. I feel terrible for my kids at this moment. I want them to have a good summer but summer vacations seem to be the hardest for me to handle. 4 very active boys in a house... Oh Lordy! I need to get some things for them to do!! Legos, blocks, art, SOMETHING... but.... ** real mom moment** I do not believe in ME having to constantly occupy my children. It is not my job to keep them entertained. Sounds horrible I am sure, but kids are VERY imaginative and creative. Back in my days, I spent HOURS playing with sticks, misc objects around the house to be used as doll furniture or one of my fave things to do was making up plays lol... or even better was MAKING my brother learn a dance with me... yeah that was about the best activity I did... still makes me laugh to this day heheheheh.

It wasn't even 10 am yet this morning when a friend and I were already pulling our hair out about our children. I was thankful to see lunch come and end. It was MANDATORY nap time- for the smaller kiddos. I was shocked to see how long they actually did nap because it wasnt until 4pm that I made my way to the grocery store.

Here is where it gets a little bit..... maddening.

I head to a local grocery store Dan's - because I only needed a few things and it was close to home. Cute little grocery store but good gravy- the smallest isles ever. Not made for a family to all go shopping. I tried- I warned- and I asked politely before we walked in to have manners and to keep hands back their backs. As soon as we get in they all got distracted by the fruit. Everything that they had agreed to do was out the door and gone!!! This is where it felt like herding cats! I have the baby strapped into the cart trying to claw at my boobs, my 3 year old figured out he could ride under the cart ( I just kept thinking that at least he was contained) and making loud car noises, my 5 year old was jumping and skipping in every direction, my 10 year old had to smell and touch everything he could and my 12 yr old daughter was smacking her mouth and sighing about everything and everyone all while throwing in loud rude comments about her brothers. When I got shopping I do NOT do any kind of "joy riding" shopping. This mom is on a mission and I am in no mood to window shop isles. I want in and out without giving them a chance to realize what exactly is going on lol. But today... I was blessed be being behind every s l o w shopper in the store. Remember the isles were tiny so there was no going around anyone. If they were rubber necking... you have to just follow traffic.

We had gone down one isle and at this point kids felt like they were everywhere.. I had gone crazy trying to repeat myself over and over to stop touching things, stop touching each other, knock it off, be quiet, get out of the middle of the isle....Finally I blurted out " can yall please stop, sit down and be quiet" Of course I didnt mean to say "sit down" but my witty  5 year had to play cute and say "ok.. i'll sit down" as that little turkey sat his butt down in the middle of the stinken isle!! I shot him that look like don't push me further boy....
I hate those moments as a mom where you say silly things like I just did and they DO it. I felt like a donkey!

We get to the check out lane and the 2 younger boys were CLIMBING the shopping carts and singing... my older son had his nose in the gum smelling everything, the baby was crying at this point and my daughter was once again dishing out attitude. The lady that was bagging my stuff- bless her heart- was so sweet and was trying to do small talk with me. I just wanted to pay and get my kids OUT OF THE STORE. I think what upsets me the most is that they NEVER act like that if daddy was around.

We get in the car and I informed them all that they are to go directly to their rooms when we get home. I did not want to see them until I called them for dinner. I explained to them that I felt so disrespected and hurt that they would act that way in a store. At this point I didn't want to yell at them. I honestly just wanted to cry. I felt like they had just beaten the crap out of me all week. Surprisingly as they got out of the car, the unloaded the groceries, actually picked up things that were not put away before we left and they disappeared into their rooms.

I started cleaning because cleaning while upset gives the best result :) I started wondering if maybe I have too much of a high expectation of my kids while in public..
It is not too much to ask of them to walk nicely in a store- without touching things. I demand that my kids have manners and respect. ALL kids should. I try hard to teach my children the best I can. I want the best for them in everything. And I pray that I am able to lead them correctly. But I feel like a failure more times than not. Does that mean I am doing good or bad?

Maybe I need to drink some kool-aid and run in the sprinkler once in a while.

I love them all so much. As seriously crazy as it is, I wouldn't want it any different.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My Bucket List Date {Part II}

So.... my first note lead me to a gas station where I was suppose to get my car washed and then tell the person at the register that "Jackie Is Here". Ummm, yah- that is a little embarrassing, but I was excited, all dressed up- I could handle it :) I drove as fast as I could- without trying to get myself pulled over- as I pulled into the parking lot, I scanned the building to see if I could see my lovie and or a limo. No limo.. No hubby. Crap- that means I REALLY do have to go in and tell them I was here. G U L P.

The rain was still falling and that wind was whipping hard- by the time I walked into the door- I glanced at my reflection in the glass and I looked like a hot mess. But who cares- Jackie Is Here NOW!!! For a moment I just kind of stood there- HOPING someone would get the hint that I was who they were waiting for.... after I just received blank stares, I asked some young kid behind the counter.

" Hi. I got a note to come here and let you know that I am to pick something up. My name is Jackie"

The young dude just looked at me like I was stupid, but THANKFULLY another guy over heard me and replied " Ohhhh- what's your name again?"


"Oh yes!! I have something very special for you... just a second please"

This guy was very eager to be a part of this... When he returned he had a huge smile on his face and a single red rose. He told me that I was very lucky and to have a wonderful night.

On the rose was a card that told me to head to the mall at Herbergers and that I needed to speak with a girl named ( I forgot her name) and that she would take care of me.

Wahooo!!! So I boot-scooted myself down to the mall with so much excitement!!

I walked into the store and I HAD no idea who or where I needed to go. Well, I guess the best thing to do was to just any girl in here to find the chick I was looking for.

...... When I finally found the person I needed, she smiled and handed me a bag... and then another.. .and then another... and then ANOTHER. Holy boogers!!! At this point dollar signs just flashed before me! She told me I needed to go the dressing room and put everything on and then come back to see her. All of a sudden I was quoting lines from Pretty Woman- I couldn't help it.

I don't think I ripped open a set of shopping bags as fast as I just did. Inside was this really cute gray maxi dress with a matching sweater. Good job baby!!!   I opened another bag and inside was a matching set of panties and bra- super cute. Now I was starting to feel like a woman instead of a mom!

 In the next bag was a pair of SHOES!!! Ohhh yes, that man has just won himself a night at WHATEVER he wanted :)... In the NEXT bag was a little purse filled with makeup and facial stuff. Hot DAMN!!! This was so awesome!!!

 Aww crap! I should have painted my toes.... AWWW crap- I should have shaved my legs!!!

SO there I was... all prettied up- now I needed to go find this girl again and figure out what I was to do now. When I approached her, she smiled and then handed me a single red rose.. .with a note attached that read:
"Isn't this a treat :) Go to Riddles to see whats next- Talk to Julie"

Riddles... hmmm. A sports store??? what the HECK was riddles???!!! Well as soon as I left Herbergers, I answered my own question. Once again I scanned the area to see if hubby was watching from afar. But as far as I could see- he was not there. 

A jewelry store??!!! Ohh crap- there are those dollar signs again. But this will be FUN to see what other goodies I have coming :D
I walked in a waited a moment as they were busy. I asked for Julie and she knew right away who I was.... It was hard to tell who was more excited- her or me.

She practically came skipping out from the back with this small box all wrapped up. I tore into it like it was Christmas! Inside was this BEAUTIFUL heart necklace.

Next to me was this woman that was purchasing some items- Suddenly Julie HAD to tell her and her co-worker what was going on. She explained that my husband had me going on a treasure hunt and that he just got this for me. The lady next to me said " Dang girl. I don't know what you did, but you did it right"

Well... it's not what I did... it is just the fact that I have a great marriage and we both continuously make it work and try to make each other feel special as often as we can!

I was.. ohh well rather.. Charley was the talk of the mall. All the girls were jealous and each of them were planning on giving their hubby's an earful when they got home!

With the box was another red rose :) It directed my dolled up self over to Applebees where we would FINALLY meet up and have a nice dinner. Now I was skipping out of the mall and towards my car. I felt like I was totally floating from all the excitement!

When I got to Applebees- there he was - standing in the entrance looking so flipping handsome. I love this man so much. Not because he just spent the evening spoiling me, but because he really does love and care for me. He makes me laugh... keeps me grounded when I need it.... reminds me that life is a blessing.... and makes me feel SO beautiful (even if I don't feel it or see it). God knew exactly what each of us needed when he brought us together!

The first item to order was our fave drinks. Yummy yummy in my tummy! :p

It was a great time at dinner as we made lovey faces at each other and acted like a teen age couple in love!
After we finished eating, he excused himself for a moment to use the restroom. I always hate it when the other person goes to the restroom. I never know what I am suppose to do sitting there by myself... eat, look around, play on my phone???? Ah- the pressure!

I noticed that he was gone a lot longer than usual. hmmmm was he having tummy issues???

All of a sudden there was a waitress walking towards me with a rose.. OH CRAP!! He just ditched me!! The little card apologized for leaving me alone but gave me another location to find. The Spur. I had NO idea what or where this place was. The table behind me told me that everyone was staring at me wondering what was going on. So I did the only thing I could think of... ask them where the Spur was.

Off I went - to a local bar. 

I walked in and felt totally out of place. Here I was in a dress and this bar was filled with smokey people in jeans. I kept fidgeting as I felt like people were staring at me. Hubby bought me another drink (malibo and oj) and we went over to the pool tables as I watched him play a few games of pool. The guys were nice and very sweet to me. One of the older guys seemed to attach himself to me like he was my body guard. He made me sit at this table and made sure everyone that spoke to me was polite. He reminded me so much of my uncle - which made me miss him. [ miss you Uncle Ted ]

Karaoke was starting in a few minutes and I was SO glad to be there for this. Back in the days I was a Karaoke Queen. Now, I have to have a good buzz before I am brave enough to go up there. But I LOVE watching it. One of Charley's friends apparently loves to sing so he was all about signing himself for a few songs. I had asked hubby if he was going to... and for a moment I believe he really was until he couldnt find a song good enough to sing. But that little stinker of mine, told his singing friend that we were celebrating my birthday (liar)..... So now they felt the need to drag my butt up front and sing happy birthday to me. Inside I wanted to sing along or be silly but all I was able to do was blush and feel like a dweeb.

It was now coming up on 10:00pm and Charley mentioned that we should be heading back soon. He said he was going to go check his phone which was in his truck- make sure our sitter hasnt called. So there I sat listening to people sing. I was actually having a great time. 

Dang it... here comes the waitress with a rose. He did it to me again!!! I can't believe I fell for it AGAIN!
This one was the MOTHERLOAD rose. Inside was a hotel card key. Ohh la la!! I stood up quickly, put my coat on and said good bye to my very nice guy friends. Of course they asked where the hell I was going. I showed them my rose and my hotel key and said "I've got something I gotta go do".... The younger guy told me not to hurt Charley and smiled as I walked out. 

Finding this place was a lot harder than I thought. I finally had to ask directions. 

The hotel was quiet and peaceful. I found my room and quietly walked inside. There waiting for me was the rest of my roses, a bottle of wine, 2 glasses, a hot tub bath, and my hubby sitting on the bed for me. This dude had overloaded on brownie points!!! This was so overly romantic and so  much fun.

His plan was for us to stay there till midnight and then at that time he would kiss me good night and leave me there to get a full night of sleep and he would go home to tend to the kids.

After our nice hot bubbly bath, hubby started to feel sick :( poor guy. He was the one  that hasn't been able to get sleep for a while and now he's sick. So I did what any good wife would do.... I told him he needed to stay so he can get some GOOD - uninterrupted sleep. Poor guy. So I kissed him goodbye and went home. 

It felt really good to do something nice for him. 

That night was so beyond amazing and it still gives me butterflies when I think about it. 

I am one blessed woman

My Bucket List Date {Part I}

I have been waiting and waiting to write. I wanted to share so much of it but I wanted to give all my memories and details in ONE good post :)

Last week my hubby loosely asked me if I wanted to go out on Friday- I am one to NEVER turn down a date. So Friday came and he texted me that he was going to be late... he was in a meeting with his boss- which is NEVER a short thing. I kept asking him what I should wear- trying to figure out what we were doing. All he kept saying was dress sexy.. SEXY???? ummm yeah.. that was left back when I was a size 2. Sexy huh... well lets go thru my "mommy" clothes and see what I have recently bought that is "sexy". I opted for my skinny jeans and a shirt and jacket that covered my dun-lap. I did the whole messy- scrunchy hair look, did my makeup as pretty as I could... then waited to hear from hubby. AS soon as I sat down to feed baby, I get a message to NOT wear jeans _ugh_ and put on a dress.. Hmmm now in my closet I have my maxi dresses which are great for casual wear... I have already worn my 2 cute Stepford wives dresses... the only one that is left I am taking bets if it still fits me anymore. It is one of those dresses that you hang on to HOPING that one day your lard ass will fit back into it. So I did what any other good- american- mom would do... I strapped on my girdle and wobbled my way into the dress...and SUCCESS!!! Now if I stand like THIS and breath like THIS... and Suck this is like THIS... I look great! God forbid if I want to actually eat or sit down. But hubby wants sexy... well.. this wasn't sexy.. and I might actually pass out, but its cute! Then I get a text saying to curl my hair... really nice... oh man.. ok well I have time.. he is still in his meeting.. so back I go into the bathroom to curl my hair.. pretty. Half way through, our sitter comes in and just as I was going to tell her hubby was running late, she hands me a piece of paper. My reaction was.. WTF??? Inside was a hand written note from hubby telling me I was getting ready to go on a scavenger hunt. My first clue was taking me to a gas station to get a car wash and then to tell the cashier my name and that I was there to pick something up... oh WHAT???!!!  Ok, first I don't think I have ever curled my hair fast enough before in my life... second.... who has time to shave legs when you get a note like THIS... This was a romance dream come true... Yes, one of my LIFE bucket list items. I had to send him a quick- exciting text and learned that he was waiting for me... ok ok ok... I grabbed my purse, shoes... what else was I missing.. phone.. ok, kiss the kids good bye and off I went!!! This was going to be AMAZING!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sybil Cupcakes

Yesterday hubby asked if I wanted to make some cupcakes for his work party.. umm SCHYEA! I was happy to make some goodies for other people. I mean my kids would eat them all if I let them, but this momma is not THAT nice.

So I planned on baking up some Chocolate Chip Cupcakes and S'mores. The smores were looking oh-so-yummy. And I could have for sure chowed on a few myself, but I am not that big of a fan of marshmallow... well, unless its marshmallow fluff on a pb sandwich :p

Last night though, I had a few taste testers that were up late with me while I got my bake on. Now I LOVE my taste testers- with all my heart- but I do have to think about their taste buds.. I mean for one- he likes to eat chili and eggs mixed together -BLAUGH! and the kids... well... they like anything that has sugar in it. But still I take what they have to say and alter what I need to.

The S'mores were the first test. To me, they looked AMAZING!!! But some reason, they all had a hollow middle. MOTHER FLAPPER! How the heck did THAT happen??? Hubby chowed down on one and I got rave reviews.... for a while. When he started eating the bottom of it (which was crumb batter) he was not too pleased. Hmmmm.... I tasted it and in fact had a few spoonfuls of the batter and I didn't taste anything wrong with it.... Hmm so what do I do now???
Well... The first batch I decided to get a little WILD and I drizzled carmel over the tops and on a few of them I added a piece of milk chocolate carmel Ghirardelli chocolate. YUM. The second batch of S'mores, I made a few adjustments and didnt fill the cups up as much. But I think with a glass of milk and a fork- it could possibly be ....heaven :)
Smore Cupcakes

The next batch of cupcakes up for trial and error were my SYBIL Cupcakes.. Chocolate Chip Cupcakes. Where these cookies... or were these cupcakes?? The receipe looked amazing but the mixture wasn't looking as wonderful as it sounded.

In the end- my taste testers were once again divided on the taste. Love and Not love. Grrrrr.. great! So I HAD to take a bite and try it myself. It wasn't too bad. It wasn't overly sweet like I thought it would be. And how cool is it to have a COOKIE in the middle of a cupcake. VERY COOL!

Ok so now that it was WAY past my bedtime, I decided to clean up and save the frosting part for the morning. The goal was to create Cookie Dough Frosting. This should be yummy.


Well my allergies decided to once again attack me in the middle of the night and I woke up with a face that felt 3x bigger. My body seems to be swelling everywhere :( My son asks me every day if I am pregnant again and my daughter was all dramatic in her ways asking if I was too. Ugh. No. Maybe its all the batter I am eating... Maybe its all the stress I feel lately... maybe its that soda that I just can't stop drinking... maybe its those crazy kids that seem to force me to eat junk food. Dang- I need to get me a friend to keep me occupied at the gym so I KEEP going.   ok... where was I???

Oh yes- frosting. So I followed the directions but I have to be honest it was looking at little sketchy to me. But I trusted it and kept going. After I added everything I did my little taste test and well, I was not impressed. Great. Well its too late to do anything else- I needed to deliever these in 10 min. So instead of covering the whole cake, I did a little squirt and added some chocolate chips. Now, the littlest of the taste testers LOVED it and ate it in record time. 

So I feel like I had a failed day/ night on these cupcakes. I did find another recipe that looks a little better so I think today I will try this other one... and maybe some vanilla... hmmm... well maybe I should just wait to see how the day unfolds first :)

Monday, June 11, 2012


Lucky me got hit HARD with not only some sort of allergies but also a head cold. Can you utter M I S E R A B L E. Yes, that is I. Terribly miserable. My head feels like it has been smacked by a baseball bat. My eyes are so puffy and so itchy, I can't stop itching my face, I have scratched the corner of my mouth so much that it has been bleeding, my nose is stuffy and wont stop running.... ok - wth?! Why does it have to be stuffy AND runny. That is SO mean. My throat is so itchy that I cant stop making nasty growling sounds to make it feel better. Last night I was not able to breath through my nose- which made it so I couldnt sleep. In the 2 hours that I was able to sleep- I had to sleep with my mouth open..... which- you know when you are sick - does not equal out to a nice situation.

I swear something must have died and shedded itself in my mouth. Sucking on sand would have been more enjoyable. 

Because our room is still under renovation- our "bedroom" is still in the living room. I have not minded that at all ... until this morning..... My kids were eager to make sure I was up with them at 7:30am - which isn't really that big of a deal unless you are going on no sleep and your mouth is not producing spit of any sort.

My first goal of the morning... the coffee pot! And for anyone out there.... just so you know.... formula in the coffee pot does not produce coffee. I would love to say that this was my first time trying to use formula, but sleepy me... sadly this was my SECOND attempt to make coffee with formula. Not on purpose of course.. the can is sitting right there and well... it has a scoop in it so I was just in pilot mode. FAIL!


I am not sure what upset me more... the fact that I just wasted formula or my coffee wasn't perking fast enough.

Finally I had a nice hot- sweet - cup of coffee and I was enjoying it as I was doing my morning reading on fb. Thankfully the kids were still quiet from eating breakfast and enjoying a little bit of cartoons. But here is where the morning starts to melt.

The kids finish eating and we start on our chores. I give the kids a fair warning that because I have got no sleep that I am honestly a crabby mommy today and to PLEASE (I was reverting to begging as only a mom can do) listen as best as they can and follow directions fully! I get up from my seat to start directing children to their chores and the next thing I know..... ugh... one of my boys has spilled my WHOLE cup of coffee ALL over my DESK... let me repeat so you feel my pain.. MY WHOLE CUP OF COFFEE.. that sweet- hot cup of therapy ALL OVER my desk. I was in no mood to deep clean my desk. Papers that were covering my desk were not- soggy. The dust that had collected in the back of the desk- behind the monitor was not... ummmm GROSS. After having my little temper tantrum (because after all I am no perfect mom) I grabbed the paper towels, cleaning solution and a sponge and got to cleaning. I have to admit that after a few minutes of "therapy" cleaning I then got into cleaning lol. Next thing I knew I was scrubbing everything on my desk and managed to dust my "office". Still not sure if that was a good thing or not- as my nose still wont act like Sybil. 

So I guess in retrospect, he did me a favor :)  I now have a sparkly clean desk :)

In mothering we are given daily lessons in life... and as much as I enjoy the organized life,I am grateful for the messes that my kids give me :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I'm Sorry

There is nothing like perspective that can SLAP you on the face and leave a red mark. This morning my hubby sent me this youtube video.

After watching I felt like I was about 1 in. I have found myself too many times getting angry or frustrated with my parents for a handful of things. I guess I don't realize their age at those moments. At times I guess I expect them to act like me - 30 something. But they are set in their ways- their minds not too sharp, hearing not too great... I was and have snapped to quickly when they didn't hear me the first time or had me repeat myself what seemed like 20 times. It is easy for us to forget how often they repeated themselves to us as we were young children or babies... or the messes we made... or the mistakes we made. And at times - as a mom- we would get frustrated but never treated our kids out of anger (at least I hope not)....

 So to my parents who have just loved and cared for me all through my years- I am sorry that I did not pick up the phone to say "hi" or just repeated myself when you needed me to.

To my children... I am sorry for those moments where I rushed you or did not give you my full attention to watching you jump over a line in the sidewalk.... or listen to your very long story.......

I am human... I make heart is always right but I fail to feel it at times. Please accept my apologies for not always doing what is right.

I LOVE you all so much and today I make a public promise to do better :)

Will you forgive me?