Saturday, October 1, 2011

Well... like a lot of other husbands, mine left on Thursday for ND to do some work. I hate the fact that he needs to go but I appreciate the fact that he is doing what he needs to do for our family. It is just really lonely around here with out him. He is the one that can pick me up from my blue moods and give me those hugs when I need them the most.
I love all my kiddos more than anything but being needed 24-7 and feeling like the life is getting sucked out of me all day long, its going to be a long hard week without him. I know there are a lot of other moms/ wives out there that can handle it so much better than me.. and I admire them. I have been trying to keep myself busy but it ends up causing problems with my incision. And being out of pain meds and not having an extra hand just to sit in a bath or take a little nap, is so much harder than I imagined. But I find comfort in little bits of the day that God is by my side and will not give me more than I can handle.. but I think there is a part of me that wants to handle MORE than what I can. It would be awesome if I could have the old house all cleaned and finished moved down here before he gets home, but in reality that is so NOT going to happen. I have scrubbed and cleaned the new house, did laundry, dishes, made snacks, dinners and dusted... I even thought about hanging photos but once I look at it I fall back into the no motivation mode. At this moment, I just want to sleep and wake up with my hubby by my side.

For all those other moms and wives that are dealing with the same situation... I pray that all the guys can come home soon!

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