Friday, August 19, 2011

The Hangover | Part III

Yesterday I felt like I was barely hanging on. I felt ill and so incredibly tired. My one chance to get a nap when my little one FINALLY passed out, I jumped into bed and tried to get some rest. Only to be jumped on and woke up an HOUR later. Now.... this has to be a mothers curse.. usually the little stinker sleeps for at least 2 hours- but nooooo not yesterday. I seriously couldn't wait for it to be 4:00 pm when hubby comes home. I couldn't WAIT to finally get to bed.
When dinner time came I wanted to crawl into a hole... I couldn't even think of food or burning energy to make dinner. Thankfully, the kids were happy with cereal and hubby was pleased with frozen pizza. I am so thankful that they are all so simple.

Well as I was drifting off to night-night land last night, hubby stepped out of the house and once again I was awaken by a child jumping on me- thinking it was playtime. Grrrrrrrr. I walked into the livingroom to find ALL the lights turned off- which you KNOW does not mean a good thing. When I flipped the switched I really couldn't believe what I saw. Couch cushions were off, toys everywhere, clothes everywhere, one kid hiding in the corner eating jello with a straw and the other kid had pudding not only on his face but ALL OVER THE HOUSE. I just walked my sleepy butt outside to tell daddy that basically his time was up. I put the kids to bed- or at least in their room till the BIG MAN came in.. and I went back to bed. No way was I going to deal with that after the day I had.

so this morning..... ugh. again, woke up with a 2 year jumping and poking me- yelling my name " MOOOOMMM" I walk out into the living room and what do I find??? Another mess. And not just any mess- it looked like a scene from "The Hangover"- all that was missing was a tiger in the bathroom. Soda cans, food, clothes, toys, crayons, more food, dirty diaper, and more soda cans... all over the place. And lets not forget the dishes that were piled up in the kitchen. I looked at the mess, said a few choice words out loud and began to cry. There was no way I was going to be able to clean this all up on my own. I can't even finish a load of laundry without needing a nap!
So I let the kids know that I was upset and made the little creatures clean up the livingroom. They actually did a pretty good job. Now if only I could wiggle my nose and the kitchen be clean- I would be ok with the rest of the house not looking like normal.

Today it is so hard for me to keep my eyes open and keep the kids entertained long enough so they dont cause trouble. I can't let them loose outside because without an adult to look after them, they just know things they shouldn't be doing. And it's just too hot for me to sit outside.

It would be really nice for this day to just be over. I really cant take much more of the BS around here. I found out yesterday that we have a new houseguest that is staying here.. well not HERE but in my SIL house. What is maddening about that is NO ONE decided to let us in on that.. I really do not think its too hard to say " hey, do you mind...." or " hey I just wanted to let you know...". Oh no.. of course not.. I get to just find out like it's no big thing. One thing I have learned about myself as I grow older is that I dislike how people can be disrespectful. Especially on your own property.
We have exactly 3 weeks left till our due date- still SO much to do- and no one to do it except for me. Which is fine- it is my stuff- my responsibility. With that, we STILL need to finish and repair the other house- which that too is on a waiting list. I would just feel so much better if things were done BEFORE D day comes. Otherwise all I get to do is stress and think about the things that NEED to be done. Now, would be a great time for a clone.. a 2nd wife... a friend... someone that has time to help me. I am not doubting hubby at all, but just looking around here and thinking of everything that has to be moved... and its NOT packed..... its so much for me to take in that I start getting anxiety. Maybe it will be different once my kiddos get home and I have my full family back.

As of right now, all I want is something yummy to eat, kids that will just have a relaxing day, and just enjoy the simple life of today of doing nothing.. except for maybe some knitting.


  1. Hang in there girl, I know how you feel and am in it with you, just wish we were closer so we could pool our lack of energy and kids and maybe they would entertain each other, staying out of trouble, and we could accomplish things!
