Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Stress Test

This morning I had another doc checkup. We were suppose to go do pre-op as well... This morning didn't go as planned Grrr,

As we were parking in the parking lot, I gave each of my 4 lovely kiddos a mommy warning.. "please guys, lets be really good and quiet and as soon as we can we will go home". My oldest son goes, " if we behave, do we get a surprise?"

"Have you lost your dang head?!"-- is what I wanted to say.. but instead in my sweet mommy voice I explained that GOOD behavior is what you are SUPPOSED to do!

As we were walking in, I just kept praying that they would be good and not fight. 4 kids in a doc office is not the best place to be. At least I knew I didn't have to do some "exam" with all of them there.

The nurse had a hard time finding a heartbeat.. almost to the point where I wanted to grab that doppler from her hands and do it myself. I swear she had painted my whole belly with that cold nasty gel. Finally, after 7 tries, she finds it. Doc came in shortly after and I voiced my concern that yesterday and this morning my little potato wasn't acting like his usual self. Believe it or not, this kid has a daily movement schedule. So, he changed his plan on getting my to pre-op (ugh.. I really wanted to find out what time I was going to have this little one) and decided that putting me on the monitor would be a good thing. So, me and my basketball team of kids, headed to the other side of the office for some belly monitoring. At first it was kind of nice.. big comfy chair, pillow, table with magazines, graham crackers and ice water. So far the kids were doing ok... that is until the nurse leaves me alone.... with ALL of them... hooked up - not able to move.

I kept thinking.. good lord, please help the couple or momma in the room next to me that has to hear all this noise. Few minutes later... the screaming starts, the fighting starts and my stress and blood pressure starts to go up. Throw in a few contractions and there you have a moms stress test!

GOOD GRAVY! Where the freak was that nurse and why can't they have a tv in here or something?!

Finally, I get the go ahead to head home. They came back with the verdict that I was dehydrated and needed to drink more water. Ok.... let me explain something to you. Water is the ONLY thing I can actually stomach and I drink enough water that I can be a floaty. So my question is... if I am not able to keep myself "hydrated" what then???

Yes, I know I only have till next week, but its only Tuesday. How about we quit with the BS and just get this little one out :) I am totally ok with a healthy baby in my arms.

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