Tuesday, May 3, 2011

And the baby is.......

Well it wouldn't be fun to jump straight to the answer... then you wouldn't be interested in reading all about my drama :)

So yesterday- the big day- not only was it my birthday but it was also the day we were going to see if we were going to have a boy (potato) or a girl (tomato). As I woke up, my daughter asked if she could make me breakfast- which of course I accepted... in bed :) Soon after that my count down started for the water consumption. I don't know who came up with this rule but its TERRIBLE. So we finally all loaded up in the car to head to town- my insides were all itchy from excitement.. "Golly geez! I was finally going to find out what I have been cooking!"
Of course as soon as we start driving all the water hit my bladder at once. Holy crap- every bump I was afraid I was going to pee myself. Then my tummy was so full of water that all I wanted to do was just throw up... I was in the middle of a terrible pregnancy equation. By the time we reached town I made the pathetic attempt to call the doc to see if my appt could be bumped up a little. I was starting to lose faith in my bladder control. I mean after all- I have already had 4 kids. This little bladder of mine isn't the strongest anymore. I single sneeze or laugh takes me to my closet to change!

By the time we get to the doc, there was no earlier appt. In fact the receptionist gave me this look like I was a freak for asking. So I gently sat myself down in a chair and tried waiting patiently. I noticed a couple across from me that just sat down JUST completed their ultrasound.. I swear I heard angels singing... it's my turn next- and they got done early!!!! I started some small talk with them and I found out that they couldn't see the gender because the cord was in the way.. Even though I sympathized with them I would have to admit that I had an inside smirk... "that wasn't going to happen to me- I'm special and today is MY birthday. Ha Ha Ha!" yeah, I know.. I am a little bit evil, but I am totally blaming that on the hormones!
As I looked down at my clock I noticed that the ultrasound tech was FIVE MINUTES LATE!!! Holy crap... how much longer am I going to have to hold all this water??!!!!

Finally... being fashionably late, It was my turn. As I led the way to the room, I noticed that I could no longer stand up straight and my pregnancy waddle has become a creature of its own. I dubbed it the "pee- pee walk"

So fast forward to the good part...... baby is looking very healthy and growing perfectly :) then she asked if we wanted to know the gender.. Umm Sch-yeah! That is why we are here lady!
Then I hear the best words... "looks like a girl"! Yup, I clapped my hands and yelled YES! She then followed with a " well... hmmm let me look again... well it looks like it might be a boy.. " I would have to say at that point, we were all quiet. She begins talking again... " well, you know I can not be 100%, this baby keeps moving and the cord is right in the way along with its foot"

HOLY BOOGERS!!! What the freak?! i DONT get to know what we are having??!!! This cant be true!!! Not me. Not on MY birthday. Am I getting punked??

As happy as I was to hear that the little bean is healthy I told Charley I felt like I need a therapy session just to talk about what happened!

And oh my goodness.. I almost forgot this totally funny moment... after our ultrasound, we had to go back in and wait for the doc.. well.... HHAHAHA, as we walked in, we see this lady dancing - I think it was dancing, in the corner of the waiting room... There was one single lady with a new baby stuck on that side trying hard to stay out of the way, but this dancing lady was C R A Z Y. She had earbuds in and was just letting loose.. The whole room was quietly watching- but trying not to stare... waiting... "please someone call her out of here". This lady was breaking a sweat and started to remove her coat. Oh man... no one knew how long she would be doing this so called "dance". Finally she was called back... as soon as she left... the WHOLE room BUSTED out in laughter. Who knew that there was a live show today at the OB office! Every little joke you could think of came out of the mouths of these women sitting there.. Charley's only comment was, "why would you get yourself all sweaty like that just before you went for a woman exam" ... sadly... I didn't have any response to that.

*************** THIS JUST IN **********************

Too funny.. So i JUST got a call from another momma that is due around the same time... she had the SAME problem.. ok all you babies in womb- what the peanut is going on??? You are holding up our shopping!!

**************** Back to the Program *****************

So.... we do not know what we are having. But I did ask my dear old doc that if it IS another boy, who was to blame (hhehehehe) and she made my moment when she said "Charley". And I have to admit for a brief moment, Henry the VIII came to my mind. No, I would never cut off my hubby's head (either one for that matter) but it sure was funny for a second!
I know God has a plan for me and won't give me anything I can't handle. Even if that means another hormonal girl to raise. Yes, I am still dreaming of pinks and ruffles and cute little girl shoes... but a boy is perfect too. There is nothing like a boys love. But ohh how sweet a little curly head girl would be!

The rest of the day almost seemed deflated. Not only did we NOT find out the sex, I lost my Old Navy gift card that I was saving since Christmas. "OHH WOE IS ME" But I gently got over it and prayed that it will show up very soon. I need me some more comfy clothes. I did have a Target Gift Card I could use today and we were going to my fave place for dinner.

A few hours later we make our way out to CDA for some shopping and food. Tell me how PATHEITC I am... There was nothing that tooted my horn at Target!!! I got 1 shirt and bought my son a new pair of shoes. No baby stuff looked like I needed it, no clothes seemed cute, cute underwear.....forget that! So my dear hubby gave me a hug and said. "C'mon, I know what will make you feel better... steak"! Uh-oh.. I could feel the hormones building up.. This was suppose to be a great day.. and I was trying, but just failing at it :( On a good note, we were seated right away at the awesome Roadhouse Steak House...and had an awesome waitress that just kept busting Charleys..... comments.... on what he wanted to order. Pretty funny actually. Dinner was awesome- service was GREAT!! I was pretty shocked to see how many were celebrating their birthdays there.. We saw a total of 5 while we were there.

The day wasn't all that bad. I am glad I was here to celebrate it. God was just saving the best gift for later....and I am ok with that :)


Now.. as far as today goes... Welllllllllllllllllllllll
I think I woke on the wrong side of the bed..the truth is, is that if I don't get a good nights sleep.. I am the biggest MOTHER the next day. As hard as I can try, my sleepiness will power over me. I blew my top this morning when things in my world went a little more than south. And the poor victim at the center was my daughter... To me, she was not doing what I had asked and I, um, well, broke down and felt like the world was coming to an end. So I was in one room crying and my daughter was in another room crying. Hubby walked in and I am sure he wanted to run the complete opposite direction. I did not envy him... well... wait. Yes I did.. I was thinking how lucky he was to be leaving the house and doing something more important than laundry. Here I was left with not only my emtional state but also my daughter AND a curious toddler that had already succeeded in getting a bottle of lotion in his hair. There was no Calgone that could take me away. So I did what I do best... cry.
There was no way I was going to get this house clean. I had no energy and on top of that today was a day of deep sorrow. Not sure why... there wasn't any one thing that was pushing me... I was just overwhelmed and could not handle of any of it.

There I sat on my couch, as my toddler was climbing over me and from what I could tell, trying to climb inside my skin- he just couldn't get close enough to me. I felt like I wounded my daughter and I wouldn't have blamed her if she hated me forever. I felt like the lowest mom ever... All I wanted was some help this morning and for her to do her chores and I blew my lid. Every time I wanted to hug her and beg her for forgiveness I broke down again. What a fruit cake I was turning out to be already today. I decided that since nothing was going to get accomplished today and I acted like a terrible mom.. I reached out for (gulp) help. A few minutes later, we were in the car and headed towards the daycare center. I knew the little man would have fun.. I mean he would get full attention, change of scenery, a good lunch, and plenty of play time. But as soon as I handed him over and got outside... there came those tears again. This time Lilly asks, " are you crying again"? Poor girl didn't know what to do with me. She tried making small talk and making me laugh but I was stuck in BLAH world. Once we were alone together, she thanked me for letting us have the day together. She even told me that I was the BEST mom in the world- forever and ever. She gave me a hug and told me that she loved me.

But I had to ask, " even when I crazy and yell at you"?

" Yes, mom even then.. I love you lots"!

Now, even through these tears, I feel so blessed. I am amazed on how God has given me the most precious children with the biggest hearts. I will be forever grateful for the way that my kids quickly forgive me when I make mistakes- no matter how big or small they may be.

I think THAT is the best Mothers Day Gift I can receive.


  1. Your children got that tenderhearted forgiveness FROM YOU! YOU have a tender heart. Your children learn to be who they are not by having a perfect mother, but by having a mother who cries over having "blown her top" and asks forgiveness!! THAT is what is so important for them to learn, and look. They have! Remember how Psalms says that God "gently leads those that are with young"? That's cause He knows how ridiculous your hormones are right now, and how huge you feel, and how everything hurts so much more than normal. *BIG HUGS*

  2. I had a day of the Blahs when I couldn't find out what I am having too. We build ourselves up for this big thing and though we really care boy or girl, we will adjust and be happy with either but we just would like to know, have that one little thing to focus on, pink or blue? ruffles or not? There is the surprise of labour, what the munchkin will look like and how big the little boxer is going to be (8 pounds hear me NO MORE THAN 8 POUNDS!!) Why can't we just know pink or blue??? and if we are giving Bean a complex calling him Anna! LOL I am glad your birthday was finished on a good note, and I am so jealous that your Lilly is old enough to be a little understanding and love you through the hard days~ my Lilly still thinks I am out to get her, or love the boys more if I don't let her be bossy and do things her way in her time(*rolls eyes*). Keep writing and snap a few more pics of that gorgeous Family you have!
