Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mommy. Mom. Mum. Momma.

Mothers Day has come and gone- thank goodness. And yes, it may be my attitude but it was just another day. In my little mommy world of mine I pictured it being full of sunshine and butterflies... and a few gifts and well behaved children. I personally don't think us moms ask for much... I mean a day to sleep the morning away followed with yummy breakfast in bed full of kids {for a moment} as they share with me their hard working crafts they made JUST for mom. Of course following that, some more rest and then to be swept away with a good group of friends to a nice sit down lunch and a very much deserving massage. Then close the day with a fully cleaned house, kids that look and smell clean, dinner made, dishes done and my pillows fluffed just for my enjoyment as I melt into my bed watching a chick flick. Ahhhh

~ A girl can dream, right?!

Well I am sure a few of you had a day like that... (fyi, I'm putting you on my You Suck List just put of pure jealousy :) but I was not one of them :( I later found out that day that dear hubby thought that, that day was just stupid. He didn't understand either why so many girls would say "Happy Mothers Day" to friends and family.... UMMM HElloooooo.... because its a hard job and its nice to know we are appreciated. What I found amusing was that 2 of his guys friends wished me a happy mothers day.. I thought that was pretty funny.... I don't think he did though.

Makes me wonder a bit... hmmm.. what SHALL I do for fathers day

I do have to give the man some credit.. he did try to make his awesome biscuits and gravy- which we ended up not having enough meat so with my super hero smelling and tasting powers, I could really taste the extra flour, so I couldn't stomach it. But my kids LOVED it!!

I did receive one gift... my older son, Matty, made me this special pencil holder. He was so nervous to give it to me.....Since Friday, that was all he talked about when he saw me. I don't know why my kids would be so nervous to give me gifts that they make... they are always the most precious things a mother could ask for.

....The rest of the day.... went like any other.. Crying and yelling and temper tantrums; and then the kids starting chiming in with their own temper tantrums. Oh be still my mommy heart.

I may be a disgruntled mommy these days but I still love all these little people that call me mom. Each day they melt my heart. I am very blessed to have each one of them in my life. And each day I am surprised on the little lessons they teach me.

I remember the first time I became the big "M". I dreamed for years of becoming a mom and couldn't wait for the day. Now the pregnancy was less than perfect or ideal.. in fact, it was pure hell. But I remember thinking that motherhood couldn't be as painful as pregnancy. LOL..... if only I knew then what I knew now....
I'll skip the gross labor story for you and go straight to the best part- meeting my little girl. How lucky was I to dream of becoming a mom and the gift I receive was a little girl. A daughter. And she was so beautiful AND the talk of the OB floor. She had this jet black hair with blond streaks throughout. Someone ACTUALLY asked me if I highlighted her hair... Umm really people?? Yes actually I had my stylist standing by as I squeezed this child out of my whoo-ha and handed her right over to you to put chemicals in my newborns hair... DUH!!! No..... I did not dye her hair. She was born with that incredible do. She was special from the start.

Fast forward to (gulp) 11 years later and she is basically as tall as I am, has bigger feet than I do and in my opinion is way more cuter than I ever was or will be :) I foolishly remember telling my mom that I wanted a daughter "just like me"... you know what that woman did ... that MOM of mine?? She laughed at me! Now, from MY memory, I was a good kid. I never got into any trouble. Never did drugs or smoked or drank or even partied... so to my recollection... I was a good kid and I wanted someone that would be the same. Well slap me silly and call me George. We are more alike than I have ever dreamed of. And that we friends is what we call a train wreak. We are so much a like that "drama" doesn't even explain the things that go on here LOL. Here is a mental picture for you..... A pre-teen- pre-menstrual girl mixed with a hormonal-crazed pregnant woman... both locked in a house day in and day out... with a toddler running a muck. Get the visual?
I am still lucky though that this sweet little girl of mine still wants to be around me. She craves my attention still till this day.
I do love watching her blossom into this young woman. Scared to death, but I enjoy her becoming her own. She can spend hours watching herself in the mirror or any reflection just dancing or singing. She will beg to play in my closet with all my shoes and clothes. She looks better than I do in my clothing!!
I know the day is coming when she will gush over a boy and then be broken hearted. And before I know it, she will be grown and I will be watching her walk down the isle to marry the man she loves. Time goes too quickly.

My boys... oh man.. how I love my boys. They are crazy and climb the curtains, but there is nothing like a boys love for his momma. Each one is so special to me.
Matty... he is my tender loving boy. Always the one to make sure I am ok and loves to help anytime a girl needs help :)
Christopher... he is my joker. This kid knows how to keep me smiling. There is rarely ever a serious time. I know I can count on him to keep me laughing when I need it the most. He is also the kid that NEVER stops asking questions. Good gravy... I have never heard a kid talk as much as he does!
and my little Charlie Joe.... I remember thinking as he was a wee one that he was going to be my laid back easy child. Then he turned 6 months old and I thought... What the freak??!! Easy he is not. This child keeps me on my toes at all times. If he is not running from me and climbing on furniture, he is climbing on and snuggling only like a toddler can. I know there will be a day where I am going to really miss that. He is my energy sucker. I only wish I was able to transport some of his energy into my body. "I'll take a double shot please".
Golly, I just can't believe that these wonderful (and at times coo-coo) kids are MINE. God has blessed me very much so.

Now if only this mom can get a full day break once in a while. A break that only a *ahem* daddy can supply!

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