Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My Bucket List Date {Part I}

I have been waiting and waiting to write. I wanted to share so much of it but I wanted to give all my memories and details in ONE good post :)

Last week my hubby loosely asked me if I wanted to go out on Friday- I am one to NEVER turn down a date. So Friday came and he texted me that he was going to be late... he was in a meeting with his boss- which is NEVER a short thing. I kept asking him what I should wear- trying to figure out what we were doing. All he kept saying was dress sexy.. SEXY???? ummm yeah.. that was left back when I was a size 2. Sexy huh... well lets go thru my "mommy" clothes and see what I have recently bought that is "sexy". I opted for my skinny jeans and a shirt and jacket that covered my dun-lap. I did the whole messy- scrunchy hair look, did my makeup as pretty as I could... then waited to hear from hubby. AS soon as I sat down to feed baby, I get a message to NOT wear jeans _ugh_ and put on a dress.. Hmmm now in my closet I have my maxi dresses which are great for casual wear... I have already worn my 2 cute Stepford wives dresses... the only one that is left I am taking bets if it still fits me anymore. It is one of those dresses that you hang on to HOPING that one day your lard ass will fit back into it. So I did what any other good- american- mom would do... I strapped on my girdle and wobbled my way into the dress...and SUCCESS!!! Now if I stand like THIS and breath like THIS... and Suck this is like THIS... I look great! God forbid if I want to actually eat or sit down. But hubby wants sexy... well.. this wasn't sexy.. and I might actually pass out, but its cute! Then I get a text saying to curl my hair... really nice... oh man.. ok well I have time.. he is still in his meeting.. so back I go into the bathroom to curl my hair.. pretty. Half way through, our sitter comes in and just as I was going to tell her hubby was running late, she hands me a piece of paper. My reaction was.. WTF??? Inside was a hand written note from hubby telling me I was getting ready to go on a scavenger hunt. My first clue was taking me to a gas station to get a car wash and then to tell the cashier my name and that I was there to pick something up... oh WHAT???!!!  Ok, first I don't think I have ever curled my hair fast enough before in my life... second.... who has time to shave legs when you get a note like THIS... This was a romance dream come true... Yes, one of my LIFE bucket list items. I had to send him a quick- exciting text and learned that he was waiting for me... ok ok ok... I grabbed my purse, shoes... what else was I missing.. phone.. ok, kiss the kids good bye and off I went!!! This was going to be AMAZING!

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