Thursday, June 21, 2012

Au Revoir My Best Friends

I wanna talk about something that's close to my heart... Well actually more like close to my belly button.....
My boobs.
I had to say Au revoir to my milk boobs. Now they are more like national geographic African boobs.  Functional but PERKY they are not. They are no longer... up there.

Have you asked yourself yet where this is coming from??
Last night as I noticed my tummy was bloated like I was 7 months pregnant, I noticed my cleavage was no longer there. How unfair- as my body is getting bigger and wider, my boobs are getting smaller and longer. Who came up with THAT combo?!

Oh how I enjoyed my voluptuous bosoms. You made wearing clothes so much more fun.I know you still serve your purpose for my little boob- life-sucker baby and I am sure you will still serve the purpose for the other man in my life.... but why do you have to leave me hangin' like that?!

{insert pathetic sobbing here}

"Hey baby!! Grab the duct tape!"

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