Sunday, June 17, 2012

Holy Zipper!!

This weekend a carnival was in town. Ever since Charley and I have gotten married I have always wanted to just have a date there with him. I have to admit that for each day that it was here I would ask.... he would answer with a no because it is spendy... and it is!!! Well yesterday as we were driving by there he made a comment about how he used to ride the zipper as a kid over and over again and how it was the best ride ever. I explained to him that I actually had never rode on that ride. After he shrieked "WHAT?!" he agreed that we could go and ride that together. 


OK.... Deal! So thankfully we got the kids hooked up with a family member to watch them for a little bit as we headed to the carnival.... to ride the zipper....

Now... let me explain a little about myself... I LOVE rides... I like roller coasters just as much as the next person, but.... did you hear that... BUT my tummy can not even handle playing on the swings. The drop makes all my limbs weak and shaky. But here was my chance to go play with hubby at a carnival :) I was taking my chance!

I can do this.. I mean I had 5 kids- this should be nothing. As we loaded up in the little wired cage and moved up a little... I began to freak out. I kept thinking of how terrible it would be if the door swung open. I do not want to die this way!! So I screamed at hubby to lead us in prayer. Holy Geez Amen!!

The wait for having the rest of the people load the ride was the most intense anticipated waiting period. I did NOT like it. Charley thought he would be cute and start trying to swing the cart back and forth. I think I popped a blood vessel yelling at him to stop moving!

Finally we start going and it wasn't too bad till that thing flipped over and over.. I started screaming and basically didn't stop... well I let out a few " Please Stop!!" and some " I wanna get off now" but for the most part it was screaming.

Then it stopped....

to only go BACKWARDS! WTF?!!!

This ride was WAY too long... I was hanging on so tight that my body was starting to give up. Everything I had was trying to latch on to something inside that creepy cage. My toes were curled as far as they could go, my butt checks were trying to grasp at the seat, my arms were trying to pull the cage door towards me instead of away (in fear that it would fly open) and my little nubby fingers were hanging on to the rails as tight as I possibly could. Charley was still laughing at me from all the screaming... and in face told me to stop screaming a few times.. but I couldn't help it. He then proceeded to tell me if I closed my eyes, it would be better. Are you freaking kidding me?! No its not!! I want to see the ground coming towards me if I am going to die!!!

Thank God.. it was seriously finally over :(

I was so shaky and so dizzy that my next move was the bench across from me. I just needed to rest for just a moment. My silly hubby asked me if I wanted to go again... If I had had the strength, I probably could poked his eye out for saying such bullshit! But.... it was a lot of fun- just to be a little childish together. We had enough tickets for another ride and I chose that ride that looks like a boat that swings back and forth. I used to LOVE this ride back in high school- you know- back in the day where I can actually swing without feeling my tummy go to my toes! After that ride was finished I had to admit that I was done.  My tummy could not take anything. I couldn't even think about the yummy funnel cake I so desired before I got there. 

We took our remaining tickets and gave them to a family to enjoy. As for us... we were heading to Wendy's for a drink... and a salad for me!!

Will I ever go on this again???!! Will I voluntarily go get a root canal?!! HELL NO!!! But I would not trade that moment for anything. Thank you baby for getting a little crazy today with me!

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