Sunday, April 17, 2011

some pictures

The other day I made myself dust off the camera and take a few pics.

This one- Charlie Joe just woke up and was not amused with this camera in his face. He looks like he has a few choice words for me.

My older son, Matty, has a toy obsession and this year its Pokemon YUCK. We have tried everything to steer him towards something else, but this kid wont budge. He is not allowed to watch the show or have those toys (personal preference) but he is not discouraged :) He has made his own collection of cards :) I think that is pretty darn creative!!

I do have to say that it feels good posting pictures of my kiddos... dirty faces and all. SO maybe this maternity break will be good for my mommy soul. But if you hear me screaming- just bring me the coffee health crunch ice cream and a box of tissues :)

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