Dear Friends and family...
so I have been doing a lot of thinking... more than normal - one could say :)
If you are EVER in a pickle on what you can get me... start a collection for me to attend a photography newborn workshop :)
Yuppers... I have been wanting to attend one of these for a super long time and with all the bills and *ahem* drama we have to constantly deal with... there is not left over fund for play.. But I sure could use a "sponsor" per say to send me on my way to better my education and talent of photography :)
I think its a LOVELY idea :*
Friday, July 22, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
My Darling Daughter
So I just posted a blog post on the biz blog on my mini photo session of Lilly.. Take a peek- she takes my breath away!!
Melts My Heart- Not My Hands
The most wonderful thing just happened... my little Charlie joe just said "wuv you"
this is wonderful... well for obvious reasons- if you are a mom , but because also this little guy has a major speech delay for his age. We have been in speech therapy with him for almost a year and as much as he HAS improved, things still are a little unclear. So when words become crisp and amazing like "wuv you" I just wanna jump up and down with excitement.
I remember the days when I longed for children and couldn't wait till they could whisper " I love you mommy". It completely melts my heart- and still does to this day. I will NEVER get old of hearing that!!
But today- I just really needed to hear those words.. from that little boy of mine.
Thank you Charlie joe... those words mean the WORLD to me :)
this is wonderful... well for obvious reasons- if you are a mom , but because also this little guy has a major speech delay for his age. We have been in speech therapy with him for almost a year and as much as he HAS improved, things still are a little unclear. So when words become crisp and amazing like "wuv you" I just wanna jump up and down with excitement.
I remember the days when I longed for children and couldn't wait till they could whisper " I love you mommy". It completely melts my heart- and still does to this day. I will NEVER get old of hearing that!!
But today- I just really needed to hear those words.. from that little boy of mine.
Thank you Charlie joe... those words mean the WORLD to me :)
Monday, July 18, 2011
because I Care...
So today was a very hard day for me- physical wise... I have been in SO MUCH pain that seriously I wanna first punch someone and then break down into tears... Being pregnant- at times- is seriously over-rated! I can not wait for this journey to be over and I can coo and ahh at my little potato... which I am still voting for the name Jack- but that is another discussion for another day!!
So... kids hit their meltdown hour- which is SO conveniently at the dinner hour... and this momma just couldn't take it, so I went to go get the big dawg a.k.a- Daddy!!!
Well each child of mine had a nice little talking to and whadda ya know... hmm they sure did seem to understand that momma wasn't just talking to hear herself talk! In the middle of the "lectures" I mentioned that Lilly was having a hard time keeping focused on her math work and how she just gives up and finds a way to avoid it.
***Her math book is her summer school to help her keep on track for 6th grade- very important**
Well as daddy went thru her stuff he started noticing some pretty obvious mistakes... When asked where her work was, she said she did it on another sheet of paper... ok ... fine... so further into the book, he realized that the answers she was writing was just RANDOM freaking numbers... and then CONFESSED that was exactly what she was doing.... WHY would she do that?? because she didn't want to do it. OH good Lord...
So we erased 35 pages of blatantly wrong answers and gave her the news that if this was the way she was going to act and be- she was NOT going to Florida. She was given 2 days to finish her work- CORRECTLY or she was going to stay home and work all thru summer- LIKE SHE WAS SUPPOSE TO DO!
Now.... I am sure some of you are going to rant and rave about how WRONG we are as parents to do such a thing to her... well get this. .... As any child of mine, they will be respectful and responsible. This math is not a new thing for her- it is her basic math she has been doing- nothing new. I do not see the need for me to sit by her side or look over her shoulder to make sure she is doing it correctly. If you fail to do your responsibilities, well then my friend, you fail to have your cake!!
Now yes, poor Lil was in tears- for good reasons. We do NOT put up with lying or cheating at all in this house. That will get you no where but trouble. As much as I want to see her go on vacation and have a great time and get all spoiled like they do..... her schooling is MUCH more important and I will not stand for it to be any other way. She is a child that has a more difficult time learning and staying on task, and we as parents have not worked our butts off to get her where she is so she can lie and cheat just to go to Florida.
i had to explain to her that she means the world to me and as much as I do want to see her have some fun in the sun, SHE is much more important than that. In fact, I told her that if her "dad" felt the same way, that he too would want to see her succeed and spend his 1 week off up HERE while she is still able to continue with her summer school AND have some fun!!
In my eyes- the only eyes it matters- this situation is called R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y
Now... you can think what you want and say what you want back to us as parents.. Yes, I am sure we are being "harsh" or maybe not being fully understanding to an 11 year old girl, but the fact remains is we have rules in this house... and we fully expect each one to follow them.
We love our children so very much- which is probably why we are hard on them, but we give them so much love and support. We don't have high expectations for our children... we still want them to be kids, but we do want them to succeed in life... no matter if they want to be just a wife, a doctor, a baseball player or a pizza maker..... we LOVE them deeply.
We did call Lilly's "dad" and I am SURE he had a few things to say when we got off the phone.. I know I would if I was in his shoes, but I PRAY that he sees the importance of this matter and him himself makes the right decision.
So... kids hit their meltdown hour- which is SO conveniently at the dinner hour... and this momma just couldn't take it, so I went to go get the big dawg a.k.a- Daddy!!!
Well each child of mine had a nice little talking to and whadda ya know... hmm they sure did seem to understand that momma wasn't just talking to hear herself talk! In the middle of the "lectures" I mentioned that Lilly was having a hard time keeping focused on her math work and how she just gives up and finds a way to avoid it.
***Her math book is her summer school to help her keep on track for 6th grade- very important**
Well as daddy went thru her stuff he started noticing some pretty obvious mistakes... When asked where her work was, she said she did it on another sheet of paper... ok ... fine... so further into the book, he realized that the answers she was writing was just RANDOM freaking numbers... and then CONFESSED that was exactly what she was doing.... WHY would she do that?? because she didn't want to do it. OH good Lord...
So we erased 35 pages of blatantly wrong answers and gave her the news that if this was the way she was going to act and be- she was NOT going to Florida. She was given 2 days to finish her work- CORRECTLY or she was going to stay home and work all thru summer- LIKE SHE WAS SUPPOSE TO DO!
Now.... I am sure some of you are going to rant and rave about how WRONG we are as parents to do such a thing to her... well get this. .... As any child of mine, they will be respectful and responsible. This math is not a new thing for her- it is her basic math she has been doing- nothing new. I do not see the need for me to sit by her side or look over her shoulder to make sure she is doing it correctly. If you fail to do your responsibilities, well then my friend, you fail to have your cake!!
Now yes, poor Lil was in tears- for good reasons. We do NOT put up with lying or cheating at all in this house. That will get you no where but trouble. As much as I want to see her go on vacation and have a great time and get all spoiled like they do..... her schooling is MUCH more important and I will not stand for it to be any other way. She is a child that has a more difficult time learning and staying on task, and we as parents have not worked our butts off to get her where she is so she can lie and cheat just to go to Florida.
i had to explain to her that she means the world to me and as much as I do want to see her have some fun in the sun, SHE is much more important than that. In fact, I told her that if her "dad" felt the same way, that he too would want to see her succeed and spend his 1 week off up HERE while she is still able to continue with her summer school AND have some fun!!
In my eyes- the only eyes it matters- this situation is called R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y
Now... you can think what you want and say what you want back to us as parents.. Yes, I am sure we are being "harsh" or maybe not being fully understanding to an 11 year old girl, but the fact remains is we have rules in this house... and we fully expect each one to follow them.
We love our children so very much- which is probably why we are hard on them, but we give them so much love and support. We don't have high expectations for our children... we still want them to be kids, but we do want them to succeed in life... no matter if they want to be just a wife, a doctor, a baseball player or a pizza maker..... we LOVE them deeply.
We did call Lilly's "dad" and I am SURE he had a few things to say when we got off the phone.. I know I would if I was in his shoes, but I PRAY that he sees the importance of this matter and him himself makes the right decision.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
I have to brag... with a big fat smile on this mug of mine :)
2 friends of mine- who I deeply look up to- seriously ( I don't ever tell them that, but I do) graciously took my whole baseball team of kids, for a full day/ overnight so I could get a mommy break. This break was MUCH needed. I was seriously running on empty- and giving warnings as it got lowered each day.
So as the BIG day approached I couldn't help but think of the things I wanted to do.. Eat, sleep, watch tv that I wanted to watch- no more Wow-Wow Wubzy or anything else animated for that matter, eat some more, ignore the house, not shower, and just sit there like a bump on a log... and get a massage!
AS we were getting ready to leave, Charley looked at me concerned saying he didn't he was going to like this whole massage idea.... or if he was comfortable with it. I think at that moment I scrunched up my face like he was some kind of freak and asked " why not?!"
He told me to goggle Bill Engvall "massage"- and this is what came up.
Ok after I stopped laughing.. I started to think.... yeah, if I was a guy I probably would be thinking the same thing... This goes back to one of my moments where I am GLAD to be a girl! No worries!
Well I did decide that I was going to schedule not only ME a massage but also one for hubby- he has never had one.. and I don't honestly think he understand that IMPORTANCE of getting one!
So the kids were dropped off, I came home and ate till I was sleepy and waited for our BIG departure.. Ohh just thinking about it made me giddy.
After a detour of looking for a new car we finally made it to "OZ" (the massage). I went back first but we got to be room by room. I can not explain how my prego body just melted into hormonal ooze but it was so nice.. An hour just doesn't seem long enough... they should allow nap time right after massages too.. I mean you are all relaxed and feeling so good... only to get up, get dressed and WALK- ugh!
When I finally made it back upstairs to meet hubby to pay our bill, he totally cut me off with how much to leave for a tip.. I know there was going to be 2 VERY happy girls after their shift was over. I wish I could fully describe how much hubby loved his first time massage, but.... well.. let's put it this way... as we walked to our car he made a comment saying I should be lucky he never got a massage before we got married! I have never heard him talk about anything over and over again- unless it has some kind of man engine- but I am sure glad we were able to do this together. And I am even MORE happy that I was able to give him that experience- even if he does have a crush on some massage chick.....
I am just hoping now, that we can do this more than once every few years. I am voting for at least once a month :)
....oh and in case you were wondering what I did for the rest of my "day off"... Jack Poo!! I love mommy days off... now if ONLY they came more often!!!
**Thank you to Erin and Kim- my heroes :)
2 friends of mine- who I deeply look up to- seriously ( I don't ever tell them that, but I do) graciously took my whole baseball team of kids, for a full day/ overnight so I could get a mommy break. This break was MUCH needed. I was seriously running on empty- and giving warnings as it got lowered each day.
So as the BIG day approached I couldn't help but think of the things I wanted to do.. Eat, sleep, watch tv that I wanted to watch- no more Wow-Wow Wubzy or anything else animated for that matter, eat some more, ignore the house, not shower, and just sit there like a bump on a log... and get a massage!
AS we were getting ready to leave, Charley looked at me concerned saying he didn't he was going to like this whole massage idea.... or if he was comfortable with it. I think at that moment I scrunched up my face like he was some kind of freak and asked " why not?!"
He told me to goggle Bill Engvall "massage"- and this is what came up.
Ok after I stopped laughing.. I started to think.... yeah, if I was a guy I probably would be thinking the same thing... This goes back to one of my moments where I am GLAD to be a girl! No worries!
Well I did decide that I was going to schedule not only ME a massage but also one for hubby- he has never had one.. and I don't honestly think he understand that IMPORTANCE of getting one!
So the kids were dropped off, I came home and ate till I was sleepy and waited for our BIG departure.. Ohh just thinking about it made me giddy.
After a detour of looking for a new car we finally made it to "OZ" (the massage). I went back first but we got to be room by room. I can not explain how my prego body just melted into hormonal ooze but it was so nice.. An hour just doesn't seem long enough... they should allow nap time right after massages too.. I mean you are all relaxed and feeling so good... only to get up, get dressed and WALK- ugh!
When I finally made it back upstairs to meet hubby to pay our bill, he totally cut me off with how much to leave for a tip.. I know there was going to be 2 VERY happy girls after their shift was over. I wish I could fully describe how much hubby loved his first time massage, but.... well.. let's put it this way... as we walked to our car he made a comment saying I should be lucky he never got a massage before we got married! I have never heard him talk about anything over and over again- unless it has some kind of man engine- but I am sure glad we were able to do this together. And I am even MORE happy that I was able to give him that experience- even if he does have a crush on some massage chick.....
I am just hoping now, that we can do this more than once every few years. I am voting for at least once a month :)
....oh and in case you were wondering what I did for the rest of my "day off"... Jack Poo!! I love mommy days off... now if ONLY they came more often!!!
**Thank you to Erin and Kim- my heroes :)
Thursday, July 7, 2011
I think I am on the "bad mom" list today. It seems so many moms are out today taking their kids to the park or the beach and here I am MISERABLE today with another day of this stupid Summer Cold.... WTH?! and so during my mandatory nap time today, I make the older kids do math facts and read a book. They both shrieked when I said "math facts". As much as I would love to see them play out in the sun and water and enjoy themselves.. I am just plain disgruntled and miserable. I don't know why there even needs to be a thing as a summer cold.
But this pregnancy is making it more difficult to deal with it. Between not being able to sleep from the cold and that painful pelvic grinding and pressure, having a stuffy nose, itchy eyes from allergies and having to pee every hour.... I am a complete MESS!!
Lilly & Matty are leaving soon for Florida and as much as they LOVE the idea of going... I am not so happy about it. Time always seem so short with them- especially when there is so much I wanna do with them... and there are times like these that I just can't do anything. We have crossed off a few things on our Summer Bucket list- which has been fun.. .I just need to get my energy back to do some more. I am hoping by next week I will be feeling better to go out and have some good 'ol summer fun!
As much as I am miserable.. I do hope that you all are enjoying this summer that we have finally got!
But this pregnancy is making it more difficult to deal with it. Between not being able to sleep from the cold and that painful pelvic grinding and pressure, having a stuffy nose, itchy eyes from allergies and having to pee every hour.... I am a complete MESS!!
Lilly & Matty are leaving soon for Florida and as much as they LOVE the idea of going... I am not so happy about it. Time always seem so short with them- especially when there is so much I wanna do with them... and there are times like these that I just can't do anything. We have crossed off a few things on our Summer Bucket list- which has been fun.. .I just need to get my energy back to do some more. I am hoping by next week I will be feeling better to go out and have some good 'ol summer fun!
As much as I am miserable.. I do hope that you all are enjoying this summer that we have finally got!
Friday, July 1, 2011
VOUGE | All In A Boy's Day
Early this month, my Christopher had made my heart so happy... not by the words he said or even his attitude that day, but because he looked so darn cute... all dirty and mis-matched and just playing like a boy!
If I remember correctly, his cousin, Annie, made this outfit for him. Although he accessorized it himself with the snow boots. When I look at these pictures I cant help but to break out in 80's music!
If I remember correctly, his cousin, Annie, made this outfit for him. Although he accessorized it himself with the snow boots. When I look at these pictures I cant help but to break out in 80's music!












So did you hear the 80's boom box music playing?? Maybe we should all just start singing FAME
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