Friday, March 29, 2013

I Miss

This post is not to sound like I am ungrateful... this afternoon I had some thoughts of things that I miss- either for myself or for my kids. Again please do not take this as I am ungrateful or missing the good things that I currently have.

that being said....

As spring is here.. here except in North Dakota ;) I miss Upward Sports. My daughter played basketball and it was so much fun watching her.. even at practice. Sad that Dickinson does not have Upward. Am I brave enough to try to make that happen??? Eeekkkk.. I somehow do not have faith in myself for that challenge.

I miss things to do with the kids. Activities, events, SOMETHING. Yes, we have a gym here, but childcare is crazy and I have anxiety issues with just letting the kids swim without an adult being right there next to them.. more for the little ones then the big ones.

I miss family time. I miss the feeling of riding my bike as kid. Riding it as fast as I could- letting go of the handle bars and feeling the wind in my blonde hair. I miss climbing trees and playing outside. I miss BBQ's and the occasional bon fire.

I miss the feeling of cleaning the house- and enjoying it :) I miss running in the grass with no shoes on chasing the kids. Blowing bubbles, watching the clouds and sitting in camping chairs having adult conversations.

I miss the feeling of laughter between friends and how your face seems to deform with a great laugh!

I miss a great MOPS meeting- a meeting where you no longer felt alone and you accomplished a cute craft- with no kids hanging or biting your ankles.

I miss the smell and feel of the ice under my skates.

I miss the beach. The smell.. the way the air tasted.. the sound of the ocean at dusk. The feel of the sand as I squish my toes in it.

I miss being able to go to bed with no problems.

I miss being able to laugh, sneeze or cough without peeing myself.

I miss having boobs.

In all those serious and funny things to miss.... I am grateful for so many other wonderful things. Like granny panties for those days that my butt just needs an extra hug.... and for those 5 little kids that show me love and give me hugs and kisses just when my day needs it. 

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