Monday, April 29, 2013

Piggy In A Blanket

so depressing. so frustrating. so easy to fix.. at least it would seem.

This morning I woke up and I swear I felt like my thighs were 3x bigger than yesterday. With everything going on- kid after kid sick, I have been eating anything that seems comforting- which sadly has not been healthy choices. I complain all day long and run myself into the ground with nasty comments about how I look, but still I sit here- still trying to get motivated to just make it to the gym.


I know the outcome will be good if I  JUST. DO. IT.

I have tried to bribe myself with new clothes, money, gifts... but nothing seems to pull me out of this lazy funk.

I feel like it would change if I had someone to drag me along with them. Someone to keep me excited and motivated and made it a weekly "date". I feel like I could do it if I didn't feel so run down in the evening and then so beat up in the morning.

 How do I get out of my nasty- fatty-oh-so-ugly funk and get EXCITED to go to the gym. Excited to be like "hey, I am gonna sweat today and love that burning feeling!"

I am heading into my mid thirties and this body is for sure not getting younger, tighter or less lumpy.

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