Well... today hubby left for North Dakota and it has been an emotional, stressful and exhausting day! Within the hour he left my son (the tazmania devil) managed to completely LODGE a squishy plastic ball in the toilet. I couldnt see it and this girl right here was not about to stick my hand down in there to see if i could feel it. What made that stressful was the fact that he thought it was funny. Like no joke he thought it was hilarious. WTH??!! All I could think of to do as the water started pouring out of the toilet was to turn off water and take a nap.
Thankfully a family friend was able to come fix it, but first he had to drain the toilet, try to snake it, take the toilet apart and out, plunge it, yell at it, drown it and then FINALLY he was able to get the ball out. Please Lord, don't let that happen again.
Sop here it is, 5pm, and I am so drained myself that I really just want to hit pause and sleep. I wanna wake up to not feel this hole in me. I am hoping that I can keep myself busy this month so the pain of missing hubby isn't too hard :(
now... what the heck am I going to do for dinner???